If you are gearing up to buy a coffee maker you need to be clear about your taste and requirement. Buying home a coffee maker has become a necessity with the increasing dependence on coffee for kick starting the day to day tasks. Your morning can't be perfect without a mug full of coffee.
But the availability of a wide variety of coffee makers in the market can make it difficult for you to zoom in on one machine. For, all these differing genres of coffee makers have their own benefits. However your acquaintance with basic features of a coffee machine would help you in choosing a good coffee maker. The basic facility of removing coffee pot without waiting for coffee brewing to be over must be available with your machine. With your coffee machine you should be able to immediately serve the coffee. Your machine must be equipped with coffee pod facility. That means you should be able to make coffee with pre-packed coffee pods in no time. Most of the machines come with this pod compatibility.
Tip! If you want to read more about coffee makers, Visit Danny Brown's site at http://www.Full CityCoffee.
You must also check coffee makers against digital features. A good coffee maker would come with a digital display panel attached with a timer and auto off mechanism. This feature is very beneficial for home use as auto off would let you pay attention to other things in home, while you are making coffee.
An efficient water filtering equipment happens to be an integral part of superior quality coffee makers. Its presence ensures that your coffee won't get a bad flavor due to excess iron and other unwanted content of water.
You may also look for a coffee maker that offers you a bean grinder that is integrated with the machine. These grinders grind only few beans to give needed amount of coffee. This feature results in a flavor that carries tinge of freshness with itself.
If you happen to be a great coffee enthusiast, you might be having a craving to prepare specialty coffee drinks of Barista at home. For that you can have an espresso coffee maker at home. A superior espresso machine offers you a variety of drinks that you would love to have as well as offer to your guests.
Tip! Another easy way to keep the coffee maker clean is to put a glass marble in the water chamber. All the mineral deposits that would usually accumulate inside the coffee maker will instead accumulate on the marble.
Gone are the days for semi automatic and automatic genres of coffee makers. Super automatic home coffee makers have come on the block and are in great demand. This machine comes with various special features and in no time it completes the coffee making process from bean grinding to offering coffee require only few seconds.
So, buy a coffee maker with latest features to enjoy the coffee with finest flavors in no time. Coffee making won't be an ordeal with the new coffee maker, I bet!
To get more information on coffee, coffee recipes and coffee health visit http://www.have-a-coffee.com/

Friday, December 28, 2007
Points To Look For When Buying A Coffee Maker
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5:41 AM
Do You Need A Coffee Maker?
Has this ever happened to you? You are thinking one day that what the world needs is a new widget, or mouse trap, or whatever. Before you even get around to developing a business plan, somebody Elsi has beaten you to the punch. This is what happened to me a couple of times. Once it was taco stands, and once it was coffee shop franchises. You guessed it, I thought of both of those things first, but somebody else stole my ideas and started Taco Bell and Starbucks before I had a chance to . Well, they actually couldn't steal my ideas since I never did anything but think about them. Don't let this happen to you. If you have a great idea, get out there and do something about it. If you don't do something about it today, somebody else will. Whether you love or hate Starbucks coffee, or you stay home and make coffee and espresso in your own coffee maker, you have to admit it is successful. Actually the only ones who hate Starbucks are their competitors, and a couple of old fashioned folks, like my father. I bring my father into this because he hates Starbucks. It has very little to do with coffee and everything to do with patriotism. You see, my father will not drink a cup of Starbucks coffee because he feels they do not support our troops. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, of course, but you would think a position such as this would hurt their sales, regardless of the fact that they are the largest coffee shop chain in the country. What makes it surprising is that most of middle America is staunch in not supporting companies that do not support our troops. The feeling in the heartland goes something like this: "If you want to live here and enjoy the freedom our soldiers have fought for, you sure as heck better support our soldiers who gave it to you in the first place".
Tip! One of the hottest products that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy from Gevalia is their twelve-cup coffee maker.
Anyway, I would like to be rich, but I would like to find a way to do this without working too hard. So I figure if I went back to my original idea of a coffee shop chain, I could put Starbuck's out of business. Don't a lot of people feel like my father and want to buy their coffee from a company that supports America and its troops.
Peter J. Wilson repeatedly produces news on issues similar to espresso and cappuccino. You might come across his articles on espresso and coffee makers at http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com .
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5:41 AM
Using a Bunn Coffee Maker
If you have decided that you enjoy coffee enough to start calling yourself a coffee gourmet, good for you. This is a fascinating world where the standards are very high, and if you really enjoy a good cup of coffee, this is where you belong. Gourmet coffee is made from the beans that are the top beans from the best producers and rushed to the consumer for the freshest taste possible. If you start to engage in buying gourmet coffee, you will be shopping from different dealers, obtaining coffee from different parts of the world. Just like in the world of wine, the flavor change from region to region. Coffee beans from Africa, for example, have more of a red wine flavor than beans from Central American, which tend to have a smooth acidity to them. Once the best beans for your taste are culled from the best areas of the world, the process of roasting will add even more flavor and aroma to these different coffee types.
Picking, roasting and grinding the coffee brings it to one of the most important final steps: brewing the coffee. Here the machine you use will be very important. Whether you are using a Bunn commercial maker, or a small Mr. Coffee, you want to pick the right one for your needs. Drip machines are still in use, and even though they may be the choice of a novice because they are so easy to use, many expert coffee brewers still prefer them. A real gourmet may insist on a press or hand brew machine so make sure he is controlling the brewing process. Then, of course the modern world steps in with pod brewers that work like a European coffee machine, where water is infused through a pad of premeasured coffee. And of course, if you love espresso, you will want to have an espresso machine. One of the other important points to remember, whatever type of machine you use, is that you use the right filter for that machine. Most of the best filters are made of a permanent filter material such as nylon or metal. A permanent filter will allow all of the flavor of the coffee grind to go through, rather than be soaked up by paper.
A good gourmet coffee store will also supply you with a coffee grinder for really fresh coffee. If you want the true experience of coffee house coffee every time you brew a pot, there is nothing like grinding your own fresh blend from beans.
Whether you have decided that you just want to have the best cup of coffee each morning, or you want to impress guests and visitors with a great cup of gourmet coffee, you can get everything you need to do it right: grinders, roasters, and coffee machines. Get the best of these products and you will be a coffee gourmet.
Concentrating on the area of coffee, the writer writes essentially for http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com . His abstracts on espresso and bunn coffee maker are found on http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com/bunn-coffee-maker.html .
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5:41 AM
Senseo Coffee Maker Magic
The Senseo coffee maker combines a unique brewing method from Philips with convenient Senseo coffee pods from Douwe Egberts. Senseo was one of the first to introduce pod coffee makers a few years ago.
Today, Senseo coffee makers have become one of the most popular pod coffee makers sold. One of the reasons is each individual cup is freshly brewed, so you're always sure of a pure and smooth taste.
To add a European touch, each cup is topped off with a frothy coffee layer, adding depth to your coffee experience. Because the machine uses pre-measured coffee pods, the system is hassle-free and guarantees a flavorful, fresh brew each time.
The Senseo coffee maker is easy and simple to clean because all of the parts of the pod coffee maker are detachable and can be conveniently cleaned in a dishwasher.
The pod coffee maker quickly brews one 4-oz. cup in 30 seconds, or 2 cups or one mug in 60 seconds. To make coffee you use Senseo coffee pods from Douwe Egberts containing gourmet coffees, specialty coffees and espresso.
Tip! Finally, a well-maintained and thoroughly cleaned machine is critical in maintaining the quality of coffee that your coffee maker produces.
An exceptional cup of coffee doesn't need to be an occasional treat anymore because it can easily be a part of your daily routine with this Senseo coffee maker.
You get the very best in flavor and aroma plus a frothy coffee layer that is rich and smooth. A Senseo coffee maker allows you to enjoy a perfect cup of coffee whenever you feel like it.
Copyright © 2005 Perfect Coffees.com. All Rights Reserved.
This article is supplied by http://www.perfectcoffees.com where you can purchase quality coffee online, tea, cups, mugs, coffee makers, delicious desserts and sugar free desserts online. For a free monthly coffee newsletter with articles like these go to: http://www.perfectcoffees.com/newsletter.html
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5:32 AM
Single Cup Coffee Maker: Small Is Beautiful
A good thing is good as long as there isn't too much of it. The one cup coffee maker is living proof of this philosophy.
As much as you might enjoy your morning pot of fresh home-brew coffee, or that late night cup that keeps you going for hours, too much coffee is definitely not a good thing. As in all forms of enjoyment, moderation is necessary so that you might keep enjoying it for a long time. The one cup coffee maker is an invention that lets you do just that.
It also enables you to have your coffee just as you like it, wherever you like it. If you are a connoisseur of good coffee, you will probably want to avoid cheap instant varieties and prefer to brew your own. But if you travel much, that may not be a practical option. Or if you work in a public office, it may be a painful experience to travel to the coffee machine in the foyer each time you need a cup. Then be forced to accept the undrinkable stuff that is usually dispensed in those places. So how about a small appliance that will sit quietly on your work desk, and make fresh, connoisseur-class coffee for you every time you felt like one?
Or how about a small apparatus that you can easily pack in with your light luggage, something that will provide you with the much-needed refreshment of top-quality coffee at any time, at any location?
Sounds good? In that case what you need is the one cup coffee maker. These things are small, light, streamlined automatic machines that have a programmable interface. You can set the temperature, strength, quantity (usually not much more than what constitutes a reasonable-sized single drink) etc., and it takes only a minute to pour out your desired drink, exactly as you wanted it. They sometimes come with their own cups, but these are often detachable, and you can fit your own favorite travel mug under the tap.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Ultimate Coffees Info such as Are Coffee Enemas the Real Thing?.
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5:32 AM
The French Press Coffee Maker: Connoisseur Equipment
Ask any connoisseur how he likes his coffee. French Press Coffee Maker coffee is the answer you'll get, in nine cases out of ten. Coffee lovers all over the world mostly agree that the French Press Coffee Maker is the best equipment for brewing coffee. It preserves the full flavor of the oils, and delivers your favorite drink in a smooth, creamy and rich brew.
A French Press Coffee Maker is essentially a tall narrow glass cylinder fitted with a plunger that includes a filter. The coffee and hot water are mixed in the cylinder (usually for not more than a few minutes), and then the plunger, in the form of a metal foil, is pressed down, leaving the coffee at the top ready to be poured. A French Press Coffee Maker is also called a cafetiere, a 'plunger' or a 'press pot'. Using a French Press Coffee Maker, you can manually control the water temperature and exposure time that results in a steaming and tantalizing rich cup of coffee. There are several methods of brewing coffee - boiling (think Turkish coffee), pressure brewing (espresso being an example), drip brewing (as in the electric percolator), and steeping. The French press is an example of this last technology, and is said to preserve most of the natural aroma and flavor of the coffee beans.
High-quality French presses most often use conical burr grinders as their source of ground coffee, because these grinders rotate at low speeds (usually not more than five hundred revolutions per minute). This prevents the grinding from generating too much heat. Other methods that use faster grinding techniques stand the risk of heating the ground coffee too much, making the delicate flavoring oils to evaporate.
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Coffee Information such as Coffee Enemas-Do they really work?
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5:32 AM
Espresso Coffee Maker: A Brief Insight
The espresso coffee maker is a unique coffee-making machine. It specializes in serving just the perfect cup of rich, creamy and frothy Italian coffee drink named espresso that is just so irresistible! The brewing technique implemented to make espresso coffee is very exclusive. In this particular brewing method you are forcing hot water through finely ground coffee at a high pressure to make the coffee.
So as to force the water through the fine-ground coffee, the espresso coffee maker utilizes pressure that comes from heating water inside a sealed vessel. The pressure can be generated by a pressure pump or by steam. Pressure pump fitted espresso machines are the best as they generate more consistent pressure at the optimal brewing temperature.
Most commercial espresso machines are pump driven while the majority of the home espresso makers are steam driven.
An espresso coffee maker brews your espresso quick and fast. It is convenient and simple to operate. Making espressos at home could never get easier than this. If you are a true espresso fanatic then you just can't ignore this smart looking coffee making gadget! The most important part of the espresso coffee maker is the pressure pump. The coffee liquid is subjected to optimum levels of pressure in a short time. The water that is passed under high pressure through the freshly ground coffee should be just below the boiling point. As a result the maximum flavor and aroma is distilled out into your coffee.
The coffee brewing principle used to make espresso coffee in the espresso coffee maker is ideal to make less caffeinated espresso coffee. The high pressure applied in the process actually sucks out bitter oils and discharges far less caffeine than the other brewing processes. So espresso coffee is much healthier than other types of brewed coffee. Forget all those caffeine blues when you are sipping into your creamy espresso!
The capacity of the pressure pump device fitted in the espresso coffee maker is expressed in ‘bars'. A bar is equivalent to kg/square centimeter. A good pump can withstand pressures up to 15 bars or more. So it is essential for you to check these configurations before buying an espresso machine.
Tip! Cuisinart products can be found in fine and upmarket department stores and specialty stores all over the world. If you are in the market for a Cuisinart Coffee Maker visit the Cuisinart website and find the closest retailer.
You must consider one very important aspect about enjoying a perfect cup of espresso. The creamy froth layer that forms at the top must stay as it is for a considerable period of time. So a pressure of around 7-9 bars must be passed through the coffee in the espresso coffee maker. Otherwise the froth will vanish as soon as it is formed making your espresso not worth a sip!
You can select from a wide range of impressive espresso coffee maker machines available in the market to suit your needs. These coffee making gadgets are offered at competitive prices in a variety of models. The espresso coffee makers are standard household appliances in most American homes!
You can buy a good quality standard espresso coffee maker without having to burn a hole in your pockets. A variety of low budget (less than $100) compact espresso machines are available. Some of the top low price espresso models are:
* Krups Caffe Duomo Espresso Machine
* Melitta MEX2B Espresso Coffeemaker
* DeLonghi Caffe Nabucco
* Krups Allegro Espresso maker
* Mr. Coffee Espresso machine
* Stove Top Espresso makers
Tip! Whether you just need one cup of Joe to start the day or you are trying to limit your caffeine intake by fixing just one cup at a time, the single cup coffee makers are an excellent solution.
However, for a more advance and superior quality espresso coffee maker you will have to shell out somewhere between $500-$1000. Some top brands in this price range are:
* Gaggia Syncrony Compact Espresso Machine
* Delonghi Magnifica Automatic Espresso Machine
* La Pavoni espresso machine
* Krups Orchestro Dialog 2-cup Espresso Machine
* Saeco Charisma Automatic Espresso Machine
* Francis Francis! X5 Espresso machine
Espresso coffee maker machines that are installed in coffee shops, coffee bars and restaurants are huge and much more elaborate than the home espresso machines. Commercial espresso machines require a higher level of operating skill and a more thorough knowledge of espresso making. A skilled barista is sure to create magic with any type of espresso device!
Tip! Once you have a new coffee maker, you will be able to spend less time waiting in lines at the coffee shop. You’ll save time and money.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at The Ultimate Coffee Information Website such as Do Coffee Enemas Really Work?.
Posted by
5:32 AM