Automatic coffee makers come in all shapes and sizes. You can find ones that make regular coffee, and those that make specialty drinks like espresso or latte. No matter what your coffee fetish may be, you can find automatic coffee makers to suit your needs. Some come with coffee grinders right in the machine and many can be automatic so your coffee is hot and ready to go when you wake up for work in the morning.
You will find that automatic coffee makers will last longer if you take care of them. Always remember to turn it off when not in use to make sure a longer life. If you drink a lot of coffee, your machine will have to work harder, and you'll find yourself replacing your machine more often. Also remember to keep it clean by running a mixture of water and one cup of vinegar though the machine once in a while. This keeps the insides of automatic coffee makers clean, and keeps the coffee tasting better. Don't forget to run water through a few times after using vinegar to make sure there is no vinegar left in the machine.
If you choose to buy automatic coffee makers with timers on them, you save at least ten minutes of time in the morning. You fill the machine at night, and the coffee will be prepared when you tell it to. So if you have to get up at six am to get ready to go to work, you might want to set your coffee maker to start preparing at 5:45.
Tip! Cleaning your coffee maker is not a hard task to accomplice. At least once a month pour a mixture of half vinegar and half water into your coffee maker.
This way, your coffee is done and ready to go. If you are impatient, they make automatic coffee makers with flow interruption. This means you can pull the flask from the machine to pour a quick cup, and the flow of coffee will stop momentarily.
Automatic coffee makers come in all sizes, colors, and varieties, so shop around. You can find a color to compliment you kitchen decoration, and a model with the features you need. There are coffee makers that will prepare full pots, models that will make one quick cup, and still others that make four cups.
Tip! Just remember that the water is heated in a kettle, not the coffee maker, so prepare the press while the kettle boils.
Buy according to what you drink. There is no sense in making ten cups a day if you only drink three. You can also find automatic coffee makers that are moveable, perfect for camping trips, or when you are staying with friends or family who don't drink coffee or own a machine of their own.
Tracie M. Loewe provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles on shopping and other helpful buying guides.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Warning! Don't Buy An Automatic Coffee Maker Until You Read This!
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5:41 AM
How To Apply Logic In Choosing An Espresso Coffee Maker
Choosing an espresso coffee maker isn't just determined by price. Many people have rushed in and bought a coffee maker simply because they thought that it's price dictated how good or efficient the machine was. This can be a costly mistake. Be careful not to over capitalize!
An espresso coffee maker should basically suit your needs. That's it. If you are a light coffee drinker then you won't be needing a cafe style machine that can produce cups of coffee en masse. There are basically three styles of coffee makers to consider: manual, semi automatic and totally automatic.
Manual Coffee Maker
The manual espresso coffee maker is designed with the coffee purist in mind. It's somewhat of a challenge to use for an inexperienced coffee drinker and requires a little practice before producing a drink you are satisfied with. In my case, I went through a little trial and error before mastering the process and point blank refused to subject any of my house guests to any sample until I was confident that I could produce a satisfying result. I learnt quickly. I found that producing a perfect shot of espresso with these machines relied on the timing of the pull on the lever and after awhile, it became second nature.
The disadvantage of a manual machine is obviously that it's not suitable for entertaining a large group of people but they are very easy to maintain and clean. For a one or two a day coffee drinker, they are ideal. Going Semi Automatic
The semi automatic espresso coffee maker provides a good balance for those who want some manual input in conjuction with some automatic features. Manual operation includes starting the extraction process with the push of a button and then switching it off once the coffee has been extracted. The milk frothing process also requires manual input and also some good judgement. The advantage these machines have over the full manual operated makers is you can produce cups of coffee more quickly hence they are suitable for servicing an extra guest or two.
Totally Automatic!
The totally automatic machines work in much the same way as the semi models with one difference. They are a one touch performance maker and once they have been activated, any involvement from the operator then basically becomes negligible. From grinding the beans to extracting the coffee and frothing the milk, these machines are the "rolls royce" of coffee makers. They are so technologically enhanced that they even possess self cleaning ability.
Before you choose your espresso coffee maker do some due diligence. See the machines in operation first hand. Ask for references from people you know who own a machine. You need to decide whether you're happy to put in the extra effort and work a manual machine or whether you want the "grunt" work taken out of the equation and are happy to go automatic. When you have decided, then price comes into the equation!
Tip! However, the one that many people look to is the kind that includes a timer. The timer on many coffee maker models allow you to get everything ready the night before, fill the filter with your chosen brand of coffee, fill the reservoir with water, and set the timer for when the machine should begin.
Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Are you considering an espresso coffee maker? Get the latest reviews plus related coffee information at
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5:41 AM
Why The Coffee Maker Is A Must Have Appliance For Any Household
If you were to go into any home in America, the chances of finding a coffee maker sitting on the counter are quite good. Coffee makers have become a standard appliance for most households in this country. They are typically put in the same category as the stove or the microwave oven, something that our society can not live without. They are very simple to operate and require very few supplies. All that is needed to make a cup of coffee is coffee, coffee filters and water.
Since coffee makers have become so common, manufacturers have developed a variety of different models to meet everyone's needs. There are very basic coffee makers with no added features. These basic models do just that, make a pot of coffee. But even most of these have been upgraded with automatic shut off switches. This was added to prevent the fires caused by makers being left on unattended for too long. Basically, what the automatic shut off switch does is shut off the machine after a certain period of time. That way a homeowner does not have to worry about forgetting to turn of the coffee pot before they leave the house. The machine does it for them. With advancements in technology, the coffee maker manufactures of today have added features in addition to the automatic shut off switch. Coffee makers now have clocks and timers that can be set the night before so that when a person wakes up in the morning they do so to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. This is also a time saving device for those individuals who are always pressed for time and who are normally rushing to get out of the house. They can go ahead and start getting ready for the day knowing that the coffee is brewing even before they get up.
Tip! Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.
The birth of the gourmet coffee house also increased the popularity of coffee, though some feared that this would eliminate the need for coffee makers all together. This does not seem to be the case. Coffee is no longer just for Mom and Dad in the mornings. More and more people are enjoying a steaming cup of coffee any time of the day, or even at night. Having a coffee maker in the kitchen allows people to do this in the comfort of their own homes, instead of having to visit a coffee house whenever they want a cup of java.
It is probably safe to say that coffee makers are going to remain a standard appliance for most American households. Coffee gets us going in the morning, and with the advances and changes made to what is really a simple machine, Americans are able to enjoy it more and more any time of the day.
Tip! If you have an old coffee maker and you aren't happy with the taste of it's brew, why not try cleaning it. A clean coffee maker will brew better tasting coffee.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as espresso coffee at
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5:39 AM
Things To Look For In An Automatic Coffee Maker
Coffee is not only a means to keep you awake when you need to sleep. It is a pleasure. It can even be the most important thing for someone. You can get addicted to certain type of coffee. You can even get so addicted, that you drink 10 cups daily! It all depends on the coffee brand that you use. Coffee is too general a term to be used without some precaution. There are different types of coffee, come of which are made in different ways: there is the instant coffee, the coffee from coffee machines, the Turkish coffee and so on. When someone says he doesn't like coffee, this doesn't mean that he is not fond of it in GENRAL: this only means that he doesn't enjoy the type of coffee he is drinking. For getting nice coffee it is extremely important to have a certain procedure of coffee making. Instant coffee, for example, is preferred by a lot of busy people: it is the easiest to make, and it does not requiire any skills apart from boiling some water and sipping the coffee into it. But I can tell you one thing about instant coffee: It SUCKS, as all things that are made quickly. If you don't put some energy and patience into the preparation of your coffee, you haven't tasted anything from it. I really prefer making my own coffee, preparing it with the love I have inside and waiting for it to be ready. That's why I use an automatic coffee maker. It is technological thing, and it does not require huge amount of time.
It is not as hard to make as the Turkish coffee. But there is some concept when using automatic coffee maker: you pour certain quantity of water and sip doses of coffee, then wait a little to boil… These things really make the taste different, believe me, and not only that: by using automatic coffee maker you get better coffee than any brand of instant coffee can give you. If you really respect your good taste, you should give up drinking instant coffee. It is by no means delicious, and it makes you sick. It can even make you hate coffee! When you prepare your morning cup with the help of an automatic coffee maker, you get what you love: a real, fresh, naturally prepared coffee. Just give it a try: start using the automatic coffee maker and see what difference it makes.
Tip! Of course, it is best to use Gevalia coffee maker in brewing Gevalia coffee. This model heats the water to high enough temperature to get the utmost flavor from the coffee beans.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning shopping. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Automatic Coffee Maker
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5:39 AM
Gevalia Coffee Maker for the Perfect Coffee Cup
Gevalia Kaffe is a company which prides itself in producing the finest of European coffee beans and premium tea blends. For over 100 years now, Gevalia has satisfied the selective taste buds of coffee enthusiasts around the world.
They sell customized coffee beans which are packed right after roasting to ensure maximum freshness.
Gevalia now has a wide array of coffee bean varieties and premium tea blends to suit your taste. Along with the coffee and tea products, they also offer a wide array of fun and unique accessories and gift packages for the coffee addict in you. 'Gevalia Coffee Maker'
One of the hottest products that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy from Gevalia is their twelve-cup coffee maker.
This model features a brewing mechanism which will extract the full flavor from the coffee grind. It also comes with a "pause and serve" feature, as well as a round-the-clock programmable timer.
This is especially useful so that you can pre-brew your coffee cup the night before, and you will wake up to the aroma of a freshly-brewed cup.
Some coffee maker owners at home find it such a chore to prepare and clean their coffee brewing machines. With Gevalia's swing-out basket, adding a paper filter is a snap and brewing coffee has never been easier.
Tip! Once the mixture has run completely through, turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Its water chamber can brew up to twelve cups of coffee. Gevalia coffee maker comes in an elegant black or white model, and is available for only $59.95. They also offer a package which includes the coffee maker with a set of four specialized Gevalia coffee mugs for $74.95.
The Gevalia coffee maker is a suitable kitchen appliance that you can buy for your own home, and it also serves as a nice gift set for friends and family who are coffee aficionados.
Tip! If you want to read more about coffee makers, Visit Danny Brown's site at http://www.Full CityCoffee.
'How to Brew your Gevalia Coffee'
Gevalia shares some of their trade secrets on how to brew the perfect cup of coffee. For their famous European recipe, use one scoop of Gevalia Breakfast Blend ground coffee for every six fluid ounces of water. This should be perfect to brew one cup. You can vary the measurements to suit your own taste.
The quality of coffee filter also counts when brewing coffee right in your own home. A good filter should be cone-shaped which is made of high-quality paper. A good paper filter will extract the utmost flavor, giving out the richness of the coffee.
Do not use tap water in brewing Gevalia coffee. Instead, use cold water which is filtered.
Of course, it is best to use Gevalia coffee maker in brewing Gevalia coffee. This model heats the water to high enough temperature to get the utmost flavor from the coffee beans.
Tip! Yes, in the end, many of us like our coffee makers to look cool. Sure, while it's true that they are simply functional machines, we want these machines to represent our love for coffee.
If you will not drink your beverage straight from the coffee machine, store it in an airtight container of carafe. The liquid will lose its flavor if it is left on the coffee maker or a warming plate for more than fifteen minutes.
Finally, a well-maintained and thoroughly cleaned machine is critical in maintaining the quality of coffee that your coffee maker produces.
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Food and Drink. For more information regarding Gevalia Coffee Maker please drop by at
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5:39 AM
The Best Coffee Maker Will Get You The Best Coffee Experience - Think Again - It's All About Beans
Technology is always getting better and better. We have got computers, airplanes, satellite TV, toasters, microwaves, and the most essential of all home appliances - the coffee maker. If you are a coffee drinker, then you have probably made sure that you get the best coffee maker to fulfill your java requirements.
The thing is, even when people have got the best coffee maker that is available on the market, even when that coffee maker has a digital meter to tell them the temperature, the water level, the coffee weight; even if it has a timer to make the coffee with a precision that goes down to the microsecond level … even after all this, sometimes people don't feel like their best coffee maker is really, honestly, giving them its best efforts. The coffee still does not taste good.
Well, it is really quite simple. Your best coffee maker is just a machine and it is not sold with coffee included. You have to supply the coffee and the best coffee that you are going to taste out of your best coffee maker is not going to be determined by the coffee maker but by you. Good beans, good coffee. Bad coffee beans and even a coffee maker that is a few technological notches above the best coffee maker will leave you dissatisfied.
Ever wonder why hand made coffee tastes good? Because people who care enough about their taste buds to manually make their coffee, are the very kind of people who would travel an extra few blocks to get those specific types of coffee beans that are better than the rest. That is your clue. Good coffee comes from good coffee beans and the means used for preparing it, are a secondary concern. And what about water? Did you know that the colorless liquid that everyone takes for granted plays a vital role in the coffee that is brewed? It is important to check the quality of water. While water is normally tasteless and minor variations go unnoticed, it should be remembered that water combines with coffee beans when it is steamed and then the high temperature can release chemicals in the water that can bring about a reduction in flavor.
Choosing the right coffee beans becomes rather confusing. There are beans that are just not meant for the best coffee maker. These beans are used in coffee makers that are kept in public places or which have to endure a lot more traffic than the average family of four. Dried beans are especially very bad as they leave a bad bitter taste.
So in order to enjoy the best cup of coffee, make sure you are picking up the right kind of coffee beans.
Would you like to learn more about Best Coffee Maker, other coffee products and coffee related items? You can find it all at Magdalena's website:
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5:37 AM
A Review of the Bunn Coffee Maker
Do you know how many times you have heard the phrase "Do you want cream and sugar?" We all have our own way of drinking caffeinated beverage. Some like it straight-up black with some cream, a lot of sugar or even with whip cream. We certainly take pleasure in having our morning cup of coffee which we take for granted. There is nothing we can do about it because we are used to having it when we need it.
Today you can even buy professional espresso coffee machines for your home. It is really convenient to have these great lattes whenever you want to. In case you are a big coffee drinker, then a cool coffee machine is well worth its weight in gold. What kind of espresso machine you have at the moment? Serious coffee drinkers should consider getting a bunn coffee maker. There is no doubt that you have seen a bunn coffee maker. I have seen them many times in restaurants and cafes. The bunn coffee maker is a professional machine, it is an updated version of the Mr.Coffee you have at home. Give the steel machine a try after settling down with a plastic one for so long. It is a nice thing to have in any kitchen. I remember when I first saw a bun coffee machine at home. My father had bought it as he has always been a serious coffee drinker. He never added anything to his java. It is all about the distinctive coffee flavour in his opinion.
He always wanted his coffee to be as black as possible. No cream, no sugar, only black caffeinated beverage. He loves the smell of the coffee beans; it surely is a great odour. My father once told me how they made their coffee before the bunn coffee maker. They would boil some water and pour in loads of coffee grounds. Just as you might assume, I asked him straight away if they drank the coffee grounds.
Tip! These elegant and simple coffee makers are reminiscent of the boulevards of Paris. They can be small enough for a single cup, or can make several at a time.
He explained me in laughter that when the water was black he would drop a few raw eggs which would more or less collect the coffee grounds. Isn't that quite weird? I am very happy that nowadays we no longer need to do that. We have the contemporary bunn coffee maker. If you want one, just hop online and find the best deal.
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5:37 AM
How To Clean A Coffee Maker
Ever wonder how to clean a coffee maker the right way? Drip coffee makers need to be cleaned at least once a month to keep your coffee tasting good.
Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.
A mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water is the best way to clean a drip coffee maker. Mix a full pot of the vinegar and water mixture, pour it in your water reservoir and turn the coffee maker on.
Once the mixture has run completely through, turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Pour the vinegar and water mixture down the drain. If you are cleaning a coffee maker that hasn't been cleaned regularly, repeat this step again with a fresh vinegar and water mixture.
Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.
To make sure all of the vinegar and water solution is completely gone repeat the rinsing process one more time after letting the pot cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.
Copyright © 2005 Perfect All Rights Reserved.
This article is supplied by where you can purchase quality coffee online, tea, cups, mugs, coffee makers, delicious desserts and sugar free desserts online. For a free monthly coffee newsletter with articles like these go to:
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5:32 AM
Choosing A Coffee Maker - Tips On Finding The Right Features
Choosing a good coffee maker is not a decision to be taken for granted. If you are going to spend money on your favorite coffee, you will want to make sure the coffee maker you choose is of good quality and has the features you want. The majority of coffee makers are generally quite good and you will notice no difference in the taste of your coffee from one brand to another. There are some basic features to look for when choosing a coffee maker and some luxury features that may give you a better tasting cup of coffee
The first decision you must make in choosing a coffee maker is what type of filter you would prefer. You can choose a basket type filter or a cone shaped filter, the difference in the two being different contact times between the coffee grounds and the water. A basket type filter seems to provide a longer contact time between the water and the coffee grounds, so if a basket filter is your preference, make sure you use coffee grounds that are fairly large. Cone type filters are generally less prone to spillage. If you are considering a gold tone filter, it will give your coffee a richer taste, but the upkeep may not be worth the small difference. The color of your coffee maker is not a major concern, but keep in mind that if you choose a color that is pleasing to you, your coffee will seem to taste better. The only real issue involved in the color of your coffee maker is to remember that white stains easily and tends to look old rapidly. A dark color will look new a lot longer than a white coffee maker. Coffee makers with a pot that has a long neck will be harder to clean. If you cannot easily wash the coffee pot with soap and water, your coffee will taste stale over time due to the build up of residue that cannot be cleaned easily. Make sure your entire hand can fit inside the coffee pot to make cleaning easy.
Other than the basic features, which include color, filter, ease of cleaning, etc., there are some additional features that you may want to consider. If you don't mind your coffee grounds being exposed to air overnight, a timer is a wonderful thing to have. Timers will allow you extra time in the mornings and if you choose a coffee maker with an attached grinder, the noise would probably eliminate your need for an alarm clock. A feature that is often overlooked is the shape of the housing around the coffee pot. Many manufacturers are making the housing larger so that the coffee in the pot stays hotter. The housing area in any good coffee maker should cover at least half of the coffee pot, the keep heat in.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
In general, coffee that is freshly ground tastes better. Grinders that are attached to coffee makers are a bit of a hassle. They make the coffee maker harder to clean and the coffee beans are not always ground uniformly. If you want a coffee maker with an attached grinder, look for a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder. You may also want to look into a coffee maker with a built in water filtration system. Filtered water does tend to make the coffee taste better, but purchasing distilled or purified water can serve the purpose just as well as a built in water filtration system.
For the perfect pot of coffee, the water temperature needs to be around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, the less expensive coffee makers do not reach this temperature. Most of the better brand names will advertise the temperature you can expect your coffee to reach while brewing. Choosing the right coffee maker is not easy. Make sure you purchase from well-known manufacturers. You will be able to find replacement parts and will be assured of an acceptable level of quality. Choose a coffee maker that meets your basic needs and any has additional features you desire.
Tip! Its water chamber can brew up to twelve cups of coffee. Gevalia coffee maker comes in an elegant black or white model, and is available for only $59.
This article has been provided courtesy of Kitchen Junkie. Kitchen Junkie offers great kitchen articles available for reprint and other tools to help you get the best bargain on kitchen appliances and more.
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5:32 AM