There are several factors to consider when shopping for a Bunn Coffee Maker. By analyzing these, you are able to narrow down your choice to the type which is best suited for you. Decisions made early on will cut down on problems encountered later on.
First, ask yourself where the machine will be permanently placed, how many people will be utilizing it, as well as how much space is available for the machine. Is it for large-volume application or small-volume application? Home models can make 10 cups at one time while standard commercial models can churn out 12. To take the middle ground, choose the small, commercial model known as A10 or A10A which can brew 10 cups.
Second, make your selection from the following types: Regular which makes coffee by the pot and has warmers to keep the liquid hot; Pod which relies on coffee pods to make coffee by the cup (rather than employ coffee grounds); Airpot which allows coffee to remain hot and fresh for longer periods of time and which can be moved from location to location because it lacks a warmer; Thermal which deposits the coffee into thermal carafes or thermal servers; Satellite that makes .5 to 1 gallon of coffee at a fast clip; SoftHeat which makes .5, 1 or 1.5 gallons at a time; ThermoFresh which permits the user to make various types of brew through different coffee recipes; Liquid that relies on liquid coffee concentrate to produce huge volumes of coffee at a time; and Urn that can brew 11.4 to 18.8 gallons per hour (this differs according to the model.) Third, consider the waterline hook-up. A pourover feature requires the operator to funnel water into the top of the machine prior to operation. This feature can be found in regular, airpot and thermal models. The automatic feature allows the coffee maker to be connected to a waterline which lets the hot water reservoir to be automatically filled. With the automatic feature, users can still rely on its fallback pourover feature to fill the machine if a waterline is not available.
Fourth, look at the number of warmers the machine has. This, however, is only available on regular brewers, with options ranging from 1 to 6 warmers.
Fifth, does it have a hot water faucet? Such a feature can be found on regular, airpot and thermal brewers. Pourover machines lack this option. This feature is standard for the bigger brewers such as Satellite and Urn.
Sixth, look for the Digital Brewer Control feature in those coffee making models with DBC in their model name. This means it has touchpad digital technology which offers integrated electronic diagnostics, automatic shut-off, higher brewing volume, faster recovery time, additional hot water from the faucet, and improved temperature control. This type of machine does not have a pourover feature.
Once you've decided which features you want in your Bunn Coffee Maker, you are ready to select which model is best suited to your needs.
Tip! Now we have coffee makers with pods that hold the coffee in self contained packets that make it easier and neater, the materials in coffee pots and carafes have changed, we can adjust the brew, and new kinds of spouts that spread the water more evenly, and temperature controls that maintain a perfect 200 degrees F (93C).
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Food and Drink. For more information regarding Bunn Coffee Maker please drop by at

Friday, September 28, 2007
Choosing a Bunn Coffee Maker That’s Right for You
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5:37 AM
Automatic Coffee Maker For Your Daily Java Automation
Owing to the hustle bustle of daily life, the amount of free time available keeps decreasing as the free offers keep expiring and the bill amounts keep prospering. This is where automation comes into play. This is why there are so many home appliances being manufactured to allow people more time to do other things.
Americans consume over 4 billion cups of coffee every year. It is a chief beverage. Coffee has some great effects, and coffee drinking experience is great when it is prepared carefully, but who really has the time? And in this hectic atmosphere, along comes the automatic coffee maker.
It would be foolish to search for a modern kitchen that has all the other amenities, that provide home and kitchen automation, yet not find an automatic coffee maker, especially if the house belongs to a java lover. What is interesting is that, an automatic coffee maker is not some technological masterpiece that was invented a few years ago. Believe it or not, they have been around since the nineteenth century. People have been using automatic coffee makers for quite a long time. These coffee makers use the same working principles as modern automatic coffee makers, but using means they are more primitive. Like the drop coffee maker. This gadget uses the methods involve in drip-brew and percolating coffee making processes, and combines them with water, heated with the aid of electricity to make coffee without any further manual action.
One of the earliest automatic coffee makers was developed in the middle of the nineteenth century and it is known as the percolator. The percolator uses force that can be natural, as in gravity, or produced artificially with steam. The water is thus forced to mix up with the coffee beans in order to extract their flavor. Once this has gone on for long enough, the coffee beans are allowed to either settle down or they are removed to keep the coffee flavored water that you are interested in anyway.
Tip! Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.
The vacuum brewer is one more example of an automatic coffee maker. The vacuum brewer has got two chambers, one on top of the other. The bottom one is filled with water and the top one is filled with coffee beans. This contraption is then placed over a heating source like a stove or a heater. The heat causes the water to evaporate and expand, and it rises into the upper chamber as steam. And steam, being hot and all, mixes in with those coffee beans and forces them to release their flavor containing chemicals. This goes on till the bottom chamber is completely free of water, all of it having evaporated to the upper part. Then the heat is turned off. The bottom chamber cools and creates a kind of vacuum that sucks down the coffee flavored water, from the upper part. Voila, coffee is ready!
Modern automatic coffee makers don't deviate too much except that the vacuum is more perfect and temperature can be controlled with digital displays to get it just right.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
Magdalena Witkowska is a successful Webmaster and publisher of To find out more about Automatic Coffee Maker, please visit her website.
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5:37 AM
All About Black and Decker Coffee Maker
Drinking coffee has been part of people's morning treat. Some may even want to witness its aroma in the afternoon or evening.
But whenever you want to have it, enough time should be set aside just to prepare a good cup of brewed coffee. But what if a coffee lover does not have ample time to spare just to do the ritual of brewing a coffee?
Well, a new home appliance has now been created which is called coffee maker. This appliance will make a hot brewed coffee automatically for you.
If you are thinking of buying one, you may want to consider a Black and Decker coffee maker.
Black and Decker has already established its name in the market since 1910. They make high-quality products and exert effort to further enhance them.
Thus, their home gadgets receive good reviews from consumers, which built up their credibility and reputation as home appliance manufacturers.
Then, later on (in the 80's) they introduced the Black and Decker coffee maker.
Black and Decker coffee maker is a quality-guaranteed home appliance. It is a heavy-duty gadget made to meet your coffee maker standards (or at times, may even exceed your expection). Any apprehension you have about using coffee maker to brew your coffee such as overheat, breakout or burnout can be alleviated if you opt to use this brand.
One of the great features of Black and Decker coffee maker is its small size making it a portable gadget. This is true for single-cup Black and Decker coffee maker.
A portable coffee maker allows you to easily carry it on your way to your workplace. People that are always on the go such as commuters, professionals or newlyweds, can take advantage of this feature.
With Black and Decker coffee maker, there is also no need for you to buy paper filters because it has permanent and reusable mesh filters.
It also has a sensor (power light) that will tell you when the brewing is done and coffee is ready.
Moreover, brewing coffee with lid on it is possible in this appliance. Additionally, this coffee maker can be used to heat water for tea or chocolate.
Black and Decker coffee maker comes in different sizes such as single-cup, four-cup, four-cup, ten-cup and twelve-cup sizes. There are also different types such as Digital, Programmable, VersaBrew, EuroBrew, Thermal and SmartBrew.
Tip! If you will not drink your beverage straight from the coffee machine, store it in an airtight container of carafe. The liquid will lose its flavor if it is left on the coffee maker or a warming plate for more than fifteen minutes.
If you drink your coffee at the same time everday, then the Digital or Programmable Black and Decker coffee maker is best for you.
If you are too eager to have a cup of coffee even before the brewing is finished, then consider getting the VersaBrew. And SmartBrew is ideal to those who hate a messy kitchen, because you can pour the coffee without any leak.
So to the coffee lovers, who have hectic schedules, give Black and Decker coffee makers a try. It offers different options to enjoy a cup of coffee anytime of the day and the way you would like it to be!
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes on Food and Drink. For more information regarding Black And Decker Coffee please drop by at
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5:37 AM
Which Coffee Maker? Grinding Out the Answer
When you stop at the convenience store or at a local coffee shop for your morning cup of coffee have you ever wondered how your cup of coffee came about? No, not how it was brewed but how it was that you are able to drink a cup of coffee. Sure, the coffee machine plays an important role in making your perfectly brewed cup of coffee, but just how did that coffee maker first come about, or how did the first person who ever sipped the first cup of coffee discover its magic?
Legend goes back to a lonely sheep herder in Ethiopia who noticed his sheep acting strangely every time they ate certain red berries from a certain bush. One has to wonder why he himself decided to give the berries a try. Well that is of no consequence because since that life altering decision man has been enjoying coffee in many different cultures, different countries and different places. Do you know they even drink coffee on the Space Shuttle? I wonder what kind of coffee machine they have.
The one million dollar question is exactly what makes a good cup of coffee? Does buying one of the best coffee makers lead to a great cup of coffee? Not necessarily.. Start with great coffee beans. You can even roast your own coffee beans with the Home coffee roaster machines. Roasting machines allow coffee drinkers to buy premium coffee beans at discount prices and roast them at home. The coffee drinker is in charge of the roasting level; medium or dark roast. Coffee drinkers also advise against buying pre-ground coffee, pre-grinding diminishes the coffee flavor and aroma. Apparently the best part of the coffee bean is found deep within it therefore pre-ground, once the package is opened loses that rich coffee aroma. Grinding your beans before you start percolating your coffee ensures you get the most out of the bean. Talking about grinding the beans there are also two types of coffee grinders; burr and blade grinders, both serve the purpose equally well, so the type of grinder you have does not affect your cup of coffee. Shopping for coffee makers
There are three different types of coffee makers. There are filter coffee makers that basically drip hot boiling water over the ground coffee beans then filter the coffee over a disposable paper filter. Then there are the espresso/cappuccino coffee makers and finally the combination coffee makers that make both cappuccino and filter coffee. Choose a coffee machine that suits your needs. Take into consideration how much and how often you drink coffee. How much you are willing to spend on seeking the perfect cup of coffee. Remember to look online, you can find many discount coffee makers.
Whether you enjoy your coffee with or without cream or whether you enjoy a robust and flavorful cup of black coffee remember to thank that lowly sheep herder who took a risk and ate the first coffee bean.
Eric Comforth is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics. Learn more about coffee makers at Coffee Maker Central
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5:37 AM
Mr. Coffee Versus Bunn-o-Matic - The Coffee Maker Battle Heats Up
For coffee lovers, there are few things more appealing than being met in the early a.m. hours by a perfectly brewed pot of coffee. That first cup sets the mood for your entire day, doesn't it? If it's brewed up right, you'll feel that extra zing in your step from morning till night. However, if that first cup is too strong or too weak, too hot or not hot enough, you quickly find yourself spiraling into a first-class coffee crisis.
So, how do you avoid a coffee catastrophe? It's simple, buy the best coffee maker on the market made especially for your coffee-drinking needs! Sounds simple enough, right? But, who makes the best coffee maker today? In other words, who is the All-Time Champion of Coffee Makers?
Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you to our title bout of the day where two mighty coffee making titans - Mr. Coffee and Bunn-o-Matic - will meet in the kitchen to crown the undisputed coffee making champion of the world.
Introducing The Coffee Maker Contenders
In the green corner, we have Mr. Coffee - long-recognized as the undisputed champion of home coffee makers. Affordable with many models to choose from, Mr. Coffee currently has over a dozen models on the market retailing from between $24.99 to $89.99. With makers serving up between one and twelve cups, he'll be hard to beat. In fact, Mr. Coffee is in great shape with an amazing array of features and settings, including single serve, speed brew, switch, programmable, and thermal models. In the red corner, we have the Bunn-o-Matic - king of the commercial coffee making market. Found in restaurants and chosen by baristas around the world, Bunn-o-Matic is known for his professional-grade machines. With a limited variety (e.g., currently seven models, with one single serve and 6-10 cup models), judges will need to pay close attention to the details to see what kind of punch the Bunn-o-Matic packs. One thing is for sure: with a starting price of $89.95, Bunn-o-Matic definitely tips the scales as a higher-priced option for home consumers.
For those of you who are new to the clash of the coffee makers, here's what the judges will be looking for during the brew-off:
Cup size
How many cups can your coffee maker cook up (say that five times fast)? Most brands today have single-serve and multiple cup models, with 10-12 cups being the upper limit for most home coffee makers.
If having your coffee pre-made for you when you wake up is important, then a timer is going to be key! Timers allow you to set the time when your coffee maker will start doing its thing and brewing you up your beloved coffee.
If you have unlimited counter space, then this criterion might not matter much to you. But, for those of you for whom counter space is at a premium, deciding upon a model that fits your space as well as your décor might be an important consideration.
Tip! Now we have coffee makers with pods that hold the coffee in self contained packets that make it easier and neater, the materials in coffee pots and carafes have changed, we can adjust the brew, and new kinds of spouts that spread the water more evenly, and temperature controls that maintain a perfect 200 degrees F (93C).
But, to truly separate the two competitors, our judges will also be looking closely at the following four areas:
Ease of Use
This is self-explanatory - at 6 a.m., you want a machine that is easy to use
As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use. Choosing a hardy model is essential.
Ease of Cleaning
Starting with a well-maintained and cleaned pot is one of the best ways to assure yourself of a great cup of coffee day after day.
Yes, in the end, many of us like our coffee makers to look cool. Sure, while it's true that they are simply functional machines, we want these machines to represent our love for coffee.
The fight is on between the top coffee makers in the world. So, who wins the home coffee maker battle? Bunn-o-Matic definitely has significantly higher priced models and less of a home-based selection, but is known for superior performance and durability. Mr. Coffee has a wider range of home models to choose from and most of their machines are significantly less expensive than even the lowest priced Bunn-o-Matic.
Tip! This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.
In the end, it's a personal choice for you to decide. Remember, a great cup of coffee ends up being more than your coffee maker. Quality water, beans, and the proper grind for your machine all make a big difference in whether your coffee maker and first cup of coffee are winners. Good luck!
Jon Butt is the host of The Coffee Guide, an innovative website dedicated to all things coffee. From beans to gourmet, espresso machines to coffee makers, or just great tasting coffee
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5:37 AM
More Tips on Getting the Best Coffee Maker
It's unbelievable, but when you start your search for a new coffee maker, you will find a huge variety to choose from. The first step in choosing the right one is deciding what type you want. This depends on what kind of drinks you want to prepare. Your basic decision here is if you want traditional coffee or a specialty drink. A standard machine is preferred by people who like the taste of weaker coffee. Most flavored grounds are made for traditional pots. If you like to try a wide variety of coffee types, you may want a standard machine. Drip machines work by heating the water and then dripping it through the grounds. The grounds are placed in the filter and the dripping water extracts the flavor. The Bunn coffee makers are very reliable machines that brews a cup in about three minutes. Many models offer pause and pour features that allow you to interrupt the brewing process, if you can't wait for that first cup in the morning. Timers allow you to program the machine to start brewing before you wake up in the morning.
These machines are easy and convenient to use. They are great if you drink a lot of coffee or will be serving a crowd. You can brew a pot at a time, rather than just a cup or two.
Specialty MachinesIf you love the specialty drinks at your local café and want to make them at home, an espresso maker may be for you. These machines are more expensive, but make a superior drink. You need to be willing to spend some more time in preparation and these machines only make one or two cups at a time. If you will be serving a crowd, that may not be practical. The most common machines are semi automatic, automatic and super automatics.
Semi Automatic
Semi automatics require you to do most of the work. You need to grind the beans, start and stop the brewing process manually. Because they are low priced, many people choose a semi automatic as their first machine.
With automatic machines, you load the portafilter with ground beans. You set the water level, depending on the drink you are making. Once everything is set, the machine does the rest. A milk frother attachment is included for making cappuccinos and lattes. Some automatics come with a built in grinder, but many do not. Many espresso lovers prefer a separate grinder for quality grinds. Adjustable coffee grinders allow you to set the consistency of the beans. Automatic machines are pod compatible, if you want to skip the grinding altogether. Opinions differ regarding pods, with some people loving the convenience and others thinking the taste is weak or bitter.
Tip! Now we have coffee makers with pods that hold the coffee in self contained packets that make it easier and neater, the materials in coffee pots and carafes have changed, we can adjust the brew, and new kinds of spouts that spread the water more evenly, and temperature controls that maintain a perfect 200 degrees F (93C).
Super Automatic
Super automatics are the most expensive home machines. They also make drinks of superior quality, which makes them worth the expense. These machines do the whole job for you. Add some beans and the machine will grind the beans, tamp them into the filter and prepare your drink. Super automatics are fully programmable. You set the machine for strength, texture of the beans, water level, temperature and quantity. The size of the reservoir varies by brand, but you will need to refill it regularly. Distilled water is the best choice for keeping your machine clean and your drinks tasting their best. You will need to empty the waste box frequently. This is where the machine dumps the used grinds. Additional features like cup warmers and hot water dispensers are convenient.
Tip! These elegant and simple coffee makers are reminiscent of the boulevards of Paris. They can be small enough for a single cup, or can make several at a time.
Cleaning and Maintaining Your Coffee Maker
Whether you have a standard or specialty machine, you will need to clean it regularly to keep it in good working order. Build up from your water can cause scaling inside, which can shorten the life of the appliance. Vinegar is helpful for removing deposits inside the machine. If you have hard water, consider using distilled water. Because the water doesn't contain impurities, it won't leave scales behind. More cleaning is involved with semi automatic and automatic makers. You need to clean all areas of the machine regularly. The specifics vary by model, so read the directions for how to clean yours properly. If your model has a removable brew group, you will need to take it out and rinse it at least once a week. Non removable models are self cleaning.
Tip! One of the hottest products that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy from Gevalia is their twelve-cup coffee maker.
Some automatics and all super automatic expresso machines are self cleaning. You program the cleaner for how often you want the machine cleaned. These are the most convenient for both making drinks and cleaning up.
John Baker writes many articles for The author is specializing in subjects like the Bunn coffee makers and expresso machines.
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5:32 AM