If you are gearing up to buy a coffee maker you need to be clear about your taste and requirement. Buying home a coffee maker has become a necessity with the increasing dependence on coffee for kick starting the day to day tasks. Your morning can't be perfect without a mug full of coffee.
But the availability of a wide variety of coffee makers in the market can make it difficult for you to zoom in on one machine. For, all these differing genres of coffee makers have their own benefits. However your acquaintance with basic features of a coffee machine would help you in choosing a good coffee maker. The basic facility of removing coffee pot without waiting for coffee brewing to be over must be available with your machine. With your coffee machine you should be able to immediately serve the coffee. Your machine must be equipped with coffee pod facility. That means you should be able to make coffee with pre-packed coffee pods in no time. Most of the machines come with this pod compatibility.
Tip! If you want to read more about coffee makers, Visit Danny Brown's site at http://www.Full CityCoffee.
You must also check coffee makers against digital features. A good coffee maker would come with a digital display panel attached with a timer and auto off mechanism. This feature is very beneficial for home use as auto off would let you pay attention to other things in home, while you are making coffee.
An efficient water filtering equipment happens to be an integral part of superior quality coffee makers. Its presence ensures that your coffee won't get a bad flavor due to excess iron and other unwanted content of water.
You may also look for a coffee maker that offers you a bean grinder that is integrated with the machine. These grinders grind only few beans to give needed amount of coffee. This feature results in a flavor that carries tinge of freshness with itself.
If you happen to be a great coffee enthusiast, you might be having a craving to prepare specialty coffee drinks of Barista at home. For that you can have an espresso coffee maker at home. A superior espresso machine offers you a variety of drinks that you would love to have as well as offer to your guests.
Tip! Another easy way to keep the coffee maker clean is to put a glass marble in the water chamber. All the mineral deposits that would usually accumulate inside the coffee maker will instead accumulate on the marble.
Gone are the days for semi automatic and automatic genres of coffee makers. Super automatic home coffee makers have come on the block and are in great demand. This machine comes with various special features and in no time it completes the coffee making process from bean grinding to offering coffee require only few seconds.
So, buy a coffee maker with latest features to enjoy the coffee with finest flavors in no time. Coffee making won't be an ordeal with the new coffee maker, I bet!
To get more information on coffee, coffee recipes and coffee health visit http://www.have-a-coffee.com/

Friday, December 28, 2007
Points To Look For When Buying A Coffee Maker
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5:41 AM
Do You Need A Coffee Maker?
Has this ever happened to you? You are thinking one day that what the world needs is a new widget, or mouse trap, or whatever. Before you even get around to developing a business plan, somebody Elsi has beaten you to the punch. This is what happened to me a couple of times. Once it was taco stands, and once it was coffee shop franchises. You guessed it, I thought of both of those things first, but somebody else stole my ideas and started Taco Bell and Starbucks before I had a chance to . Well, they actually couldn't steal my ideas since I never did anything but think about them. Don't let this happen to you. If you have a great idea, get out there and do something about it. If you don't do something about it today, somebody else will. Whether you love or hate Starbucks coffee, or you stay home and make coffee and espresso in your own coffee maker, you have to admit it is successful. Actually the only ones who hate Starbucks are their competitors, and a couple of old fashioned folks, like my father. I bring my father into this because he hates Starbucks. It has very little to do with coffee and everything to do with patriotism. You see, my father will not drink a cup of Starbucks coffee because he feels they do not support our troops. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, of course, but you would think a position such as this would hurt their sales, regardless of the fact that they are the largest coffee shop chain in the country. What makes it surprising is that most of middle America is staunch in not supporting companies that do not support our troops. The feeling in the heartland goes something like this: "If you want to live here and enjoy the freedom our soldiers have fought for, you sure as heck better support our soldiers who gave it to you in the first place".
Tip! One of the hottest products that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy from Gevalia is their twelve-cup coffee maker.
Anyway, I would like to be rich, but I would like to find a way to do this without working too hard. So I figure if I went back to my original idea of a coffee shop chain, I could put Starbuck's out of business. Don't a lot of people feel like my father and want to buy their coffee from a company that supports America and its troops.
Peter J. Wilson repeatedly produces news on issues similar to espresso and cappuccino. You might come across his articles on espresso and coffee makers at http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com .
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5:41 AM
Using a Bunn Coffee Maker
If you have decided that you enjoy coffee enough to start calling yourself a coffee gourmet, good for you. This is a fascinating world where the standards are very high, and if you really enjoy a good cup of coffee, this is where you belong. Gourmet coffee is made from the beans that are the top beans from the best producers and rushed to the consumer for the freshest taste possible. If you start to engage in buying gourmet coffee, you will be shopping from different dealers, obtaining coffee from different parts of the world. Just like in the world of wine, the flavor change from region to region. Coffee beans from Africa, for example, have more of a red wine flavor than beans from Central American, which tend to have a smooth acidity to them. Once the best beans for your taste are culled from the best areas of the world, the process of roasting will add even more flavor and aroma to these different coffee types.
Picking, roasting and grinding the coffee brings it to one of the most important final steps: brewing the coffee. Here the machine you use will be very important. Whether you are using a Bunn commercial maker, or a small Mr. Coffee, you want to pick the right one for your needs. Drip machines are still in use, and even though they may be the choice of a novice because they are so easy to use, many expert coffee brewers still prefer them. A real gourmet may insist on a press or hand brew machine so make sure he is controlling the brewing process. Then, of course the modern world steps in with pod brewers that work like a European coffee machine, where water is infused through a pad of premeasured coffee. And of course, if you love espresso, you will want to have an espresso machine. One of the other important points to remember, whatever type of machine you use, is that you use the right filter for that machine. Most of the best filters are made of a permanent filter material such as nylon or metal. A permanent filter will allow all of the flavor of the coffee grind to go through, rather than be soaked up by paper.
A good gourmet coffee store will also supply you with a coffee grinder for really fresh coffee. If you want the true experience of coffee house coffee every time you brew a pot, there is nothing like grinding your own fresh blend from beans.
Whether you have decided that you just want to have the best cup of coffee each morning, or you want to impress guests and visitors with a great cup of gourmet coffee, you can get everything you need to do it right: grinders, roasters, and coffee machines. Get the best of these products and you will be a coffee gourmet.
Concentrating on the area of coffee, the writer writes essentially for http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com . His abstracts on espresso and bunn coffee maker are found on http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com/bunn-coffee-maker.html .
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5:41 AM
Senseo Coffee Maker Magic
The Senseo coffee maker combines a unique brewing method from Philips with convenient Senseo coffee pods from Douwe Egberts. Senseo was one of the first to introduce pod coffee makers a few years ago.
Today, Senseo coffee makers have become one of the most popular pod coffee makers sold. One of the reasons is each individual cup is freshly brewed, so you're always sure of a pure and smooth taste.
To add a European touch, each cup is topped off with a frothy coffee layer, adding depth to your coffee experience. Because the machine uses pre-measured coffee pods, the system is hassle-free and guarantees a flavorful, fresh brew each time.
The Senseo coffee maker is easy and simple to clean because all of the parts of the pod coffee maker are detachable and can be conveniently cleaned in a dishwasher.
The pod coffee maker quickly brews one 4-oz. cup in 30 seconds, or 2 cups or one mug in 60 seconds. To make coffee you use Senseo coffee pods from Douwe Egberts containing gourmet coffees, specialty coffees and espresso.
Tip! Finally, a well-maintained and thoroughly cleaned machine is critical in maintaining the quality of coffee that your coffee maker produces.
An exceptional cup of coffee doesn't need to be an occasional treat anymore because it can easily be a part of your daily routine with this Senseo coffee maker.
You get the very best in flavor and aroma plus a frothy coffee layer that is rich and smooth. A Senseo coffee maker allows you to enjoy a perfect cup of coffee whenever you feel like it.
Copyright © 2005 Perfect Coffees.com. All Rights Reserved.
This article is supplied by http://www.perfectcoffees.com where you can purchase quality coffee online, tea, cups, mugs, coffee makers, delicious desserts and sugar free desserts online. For a free monthly coffee newsletter with articles like these go to: http://www.perfectcoffees.com/newsletter.html
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5:32 AM
Single Cup Coffee Maker: Small Is Beautiful
A good thing is good as long as there isn't too much of it. The one cup coffee maker is living proof of this philosophy.
As much as you might enjoy your morning pot of fresh home-brew coffee, or that late night cup that keeps you going for hours, too much coffee is definitely not a good thing. As in all forms of enjoyment, moderation is necessary so that you might keep enjoying it for a long time. The one cup coffee maker is an invention that lets you do just that.
It also enables you to have your coffee just as you like it, wherever you like it. If you are a connoisseur of good coffee, you will probably want to avoid cheap instant varieties and prefer to brew your own. But if you travel much, that may not be a practical option. Or if you work in a public office, it may be a painful experience to travel to the coffee machine in the foyer each time you need a cup. Then be forced to accept the undrinkable stuff that is usually dispensed in those places. So how about a small appliance that will sit quietly on your work desk, and make fresh, connoisseur-class coffee for you every time you felt like one?
Or how about a small apparatus that you can easily pack in with your light luggage, something that will provide you with the much-needed refreshment of top-quality coffee at any time, at any location?
Sounds good? In that case what you need is the one cup coffee maker. These things are small, light, streamlined automatic machines that have a programmable interface. You can set the temperature, strength, quantity (usually not much more than what constitutes a reasonable-sized single drink) etc., and it takes only a minute to pour out your desired drink, exactly as you wanted it. They sometimes come with their own cups, but these are often detachable, and you can fit your own favorite travel mug under the tap.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Ultimate Coffees Info such as Are Coffee Enemas the Real Thing?.
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5:32 AM
The French Press Coffee Maker: Connoisseur Equipment
Ask any connoisseur how he likes his coffee. French Press Coffee Maker coffee is the answer you'll get, in nine cases out of ten. Coffee lovers all over the world mostly agree that the French Press Coffee Maker is the best equipment for brewing coffee. It preserves the full flavor of the oils, and delivers your favorite drink in a smooth, creamy and rich brew.
A French Press Coffee Maker is essentially a tall narrow glass cylinder fitted with a plunger that includes a filter. The coffee and hot water are mixed in the cylinder (usually for not more than a few minutes), and then the plunger, in the form of a metal foil, is pressed down, leaving the coffee at the top ready to be poured. A French Press Coffee Maker is also called a cafetiere, a 'plunger' or a 'press pot'. Using a French Press Coffee Maker, you can manually control the water temperature and exposure time that results in a steaming and tantalizing rich cup of coffee. There are several methods of brewing coffee - boiling (think Turkish coffee), pressure brewing (espresso being an example), drip brewing (as in the electric percolator), and steeping. The French press is an example of this last technology, and is said to preserve most of the natural aroma and flavor of the coffee beans.
High-quality French presses most often use conical burr grinders as their source of ground coffee, because these grinders rotate at low speeds (usually not more than five hundred revolutions per minute). This prevents the grinding from generating too much heat. Other methods that use faster grinding techniques stand the risk of heating the ground coffee too much, making the delicate flavoring oils to evaporate.
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Coffee Information such as Coffee Enemas-Do they really work?
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5:32 AM
Espresso Coffee Maker: A Brief Insight
The espresso coffee maker is a unique coffee-making machine. It specializes in serving just the perfect cup of rich, creamy and frothy Italian coffee drink named espresso that is just so irresistible! The brewing technique implemented to make espresso coffee is very exclusive. In this particular brewing method you are forcing hot water through finely ground coffee at a high pressure to make the coffee.
So as to force the water through the fine-ground coffee, the espresso coffee maker utilizes pressure that comes from heating water inside a sealed vessel. The pressure can be generated by a pressure pump or by steam. Pressure pump fitted espresso machines are the best as they generate more consistent pressure at the optimal brewing temperature.
Most commercial espresso machines are pump driven while the majority of the home espresso makers are steam driven.
An espresso coffee maker brews your espresso quick and fast. It is convenient and simple to operate. Making espressos at home could never get easier than this. If you are a true espresso fanatic then you just can't ignore this smart looking coffee making gadget! The most important part of the espresso coffee maker is the pressure pump. The coffee liquid is subjected to optimum levels of pressure in a short time. The water that is passed under high pressure through the freshly ground coffee should be just below the boiling point. As a result the maximum flavor and aroma is distilled out into your coffee.
The coffee brewing principle used to make espresso coffee in the espresso coffee maker is ideal to make less caffeinated espresso coffee. The high pressure applied in the process actually sucks out bitter oils and discharges far less caffeine than the other brewing processes. So espresso coffee is much healthier than other types of brewed coffee. Forget all those caffeine blues when you are sipping into your creamy espresso!
The capacity of the pressure pump device fitted in the espresso coffee maker is expressed in ‘bars'. A bar is equivalent to kg/square centimeter. A good pump can withstand pressures up to 15 bars or more. So it is essential for you to check these configurations before buying an espresso machine.
Tip! Cuisinart products can be found in fine and upmarket department stores and specialty stores all over the world. If you are in the market for a Cuisinart Coffee Maker visit the Cuisinart website and find the closest retailer.
You must consider one very important aspect about enjoying a perfect cup of espresso. The creamy froth layer that forms at the top must stay as it is for a considerable period of time. So a pressure of around 7-9 bars must be passed through the coffee in the espresso coffee maker. Otherwise the froth will vanish as soon as it is formed making your espresso not worth a sip!
You can select from a wide range of impressive espresso coffee maker machines available in the market to suit your needs. These coffee making gadgets are offered at competitive prices in a variety of models. The espresso coffee makers are standard household appliances in most American homes!
You can buy a good quality standard espresso coffee maker without having to burn a hole in your pockets. A variety of low budget (less than $100) compact espresso machines are available. Some of the top low price espresso models are:
* Krups Caffe Duomo Espresso Machine
* Melitta MEX2B Espresso Coffeemaker
* DeLonghi Caffe Nabucco
* Krups Allegro Espresso maker
* Mr. Coffee Espresso machine
* Stove Top Espresso makers
Tip! Whether you just need one cup of Joe to start the day or you are trying to limit your caffeine intake by fixing just one cup at a time, the single cup coffee makers are an excellent solution.
However, for a more advance and superior quality espresso coffee maker you will have to shell out somewhere between $500-$1000. Some top brands in this price range are:
* Gaggia Syncrony Compact Espresso Machine
* Delonghi Magnifica Automatic Espresso Machine
* La Pavoni espresso machine
* Krups Orchestro Dialog 2-cup Espresso Machine
* Saeco Charisma Automatic Espresso Machine
* Francis Francis! X5 Espresso machine
Espresso coffee maker machines that are installed in coffee shops, coffee bars and restaurants are huge and much more elaborate than the home espresso machines. Commercial espresso machines require a higher level of operating skill and a more thorough knowledge of espresso making. A skilled barista is sure to create magic with any type of espresso device!
Tip! Once you have a new coffee maker, you will be able to spend less time waiting in lines at the coffee shop. You’ll save time and money.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at The Ultimate Coffee Information Website such as Do Coffee Enemas Really Work?.
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5:32 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Warning! Don't Buy An Automatic Coffee Maker Until You Read This!
Automatic coffee makers come in all shapes and sizes. You can find ones that make regular coffee, and those that make specialty drinks like espresso or latte. No matter what your coffee fetish may be, you can find automatic coffee makers to suit your needs. Some come with coffee grinders right in the machine and many can be automatic so your coffee is hot and ready to go when you wake up for work in the morning.
You will find that automatic coffee makers will last longer if you take care of them. Always remember to turn it off when not in use to make sure a longer life. If you drink a lot of coffee, your machine will have to work harder, and you'll find yourself replacing your machine more often. Also remember to keep it clean by running a mixture of water and one cup of vinegar though the machine once in a while. This keeps the insides of automatic coffee makers clean, and keeps the coffee tasting better. Don't forget to run water through a few times after using vinegar to make sure there is no vinegar left in the machine.
If you choose to buy automatic coffee makers with timers on them, you save at least ten minutes of time in the morning. You fill the machine at night, and the coffee will be prepared when you tell it to. So if you have to get up at six am to get ready to go to work, you might want to set your coffee maker to start preparing at 5:45.
Tip! Cleaning your coffee maker is not a hard task to accomplice. At least once a month pour a mixture of half vinegar and half water into your coffee maker.
This way, your coffee is done and ready to go. If you are impatient, they make automatic coffee makers with flow interruption. This means you can pull the flask from the machine to pour a quick cup, and the flow of coffee will stop momentarily.
Automatic coffee makers come in all sizes, colors, and varieties, so shop around. You can find a color to compliment you kitchen decoration, and a model with the features you need. There are coffee makers that will prepare full pots, models that will make one quick cup, and still others that make four cups.
Tip! Just remember that the water is heated in a kettle, not the coffee maker, so prepare the press while the kettle boils.
Buy according to what you drink. There is no sense in making ten cups a day if you only drink three. You can also find automatic coffee makers that are moveable, perfect for camping trips, or when you are staying with friends or family who don't drink coffee or own a machine of their own.
Tracie M. Loewe provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles on shopping and other helpful buying guides.
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5:41 AM
How To Apply Logic In Choosing An Espresso Coffee Maker
Choosing an espresso coffee maker isn't just determined by price. Many people have rushed in and bought a coffee maker simply because they thought that it's price dictated how good or efficient the machine was. This can be a costly mistake. Be careful not to over capitalize!
An espresso coffee maker should basically suit your needs. That's it. If you are a light coffee drinker then you won't be needing a cafe style machine that can produce cups of coffee en masse. There are basically three styles of coffee makers to consider: manual, semi automatic and totally automatic.
Manual Coffee Maker
The manual espresso coffee maker is designed with the coffee purist in mind. It's somewhat of a challenge to use for an inexperienced coffee drinker and requires a little practice before producing a drink you are satisfied with. In my case, I went through a little trial and error before mastering the process and point blank refused to subject any of my house guests to any sample until I was confident that I could produce a satisfying result. I learnt quickly. I found that producing a perfect shot of espresso with these machines relied on the timing of the pull on the lever and after awhile, it became second nature.
The disadvantage of a manual machine is obviously that it's not suitable for entertaining a large group of people but they are very easy to maintain and clean. For a one or two a day coffee drinker, they are ideal. Going Semi Automatic
The semi automatic espresso coffee maker provides a good balance for those who want some manual input in conjuction with some automatic features. Manual operation includes starting the extraction process with the push of a button and then switching it off once the coffee has been extracted. The milk frothing process also requires manual input and also some good judgement. The advantage these machines have over the full manual operated makers is you can produce cups of coffee more quickly hence they are suitable for servicing an extra guest or two.
Totally Automatic!
The totally automatic machines work in much the same way as the semi models with one difference. They are a one touch performance maker and once they have been activated, any involvement from the operator then basically becomes negligible. From grinding the beans to extracting the coffee and frothing the milk, these machines are the "rolls royce" of coffee makers. They are so technologically enhanced that they even possess self cleaning ability.
Before you choose your espresso coffee maker do some due diligence. See the machines in operation first hand. Ask for references from people you know who own a machine. You need to decide whether you're happy to put in the extra effort and work a manual machine or whether you want the "grunt" work taken out of the equation and are happy to go automatic. When you have decided, then price comes into the equation!
Tip! However, the one that many people look to is the kind that includes a timer. The timer on many coffee maker models allow you to get everything ready the night before, fill the filter with your chosen brand of coffee, fill the reservoir with water, and set the timer for when the machine should begin.
Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Are you considering an espresso coffee maker? Get the latest reviews plus related coffee information at http://www.coffeemakerheaven.com
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5:41 AM
Why The Coffee Maker Is A Must Have Appliance For Any Household
If you were to go into any home in America, the chances of finding a coffee maker sitting on the counter are quite good. Coffee makers have become a standard appliance for most households in this country. They are typically put in the same category as the stove or the microwave oven, something that our society can not live without. They are very simple to operate and require very few supplies. All that is needed to make a cup of coffee is coffee, coffee filters and water.
Since coffee makers have become so common, manufacturers have developed a variety of different models to meet everyone's needs. There are very basic coffee makers with no added features. These basic models do just that, make a pot of coffee. But even most of these have been upgraded with automatic shut off switches. This was added to prevent the fires caused by makers being left on unattended for too long. Basically, what the automatic shut off switch does is shut off the machine after a certain period of time. That way a homeowner does not have to worry about forgetting to turn of the coffee pot before they leave the house. The machine does it for them. With advancements in technology, the coffee maker manufactures of today have added features in addition to the automatic shut off switch. Coffee makers now have clocks and timers that can be set the night before so that when a person wakes up in the morning they do so to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. This is also a time saving device for those individuals who are always pressed for time and who are normally rushing to get out of the house. They can go ahead and start getting ready for the day knowing that the coffee is brewing even before they get up.
Tip! Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.
The birth of the gourmet coffee house also increased the popularity of coffee, though some feared that this would eliminate the need for coffee makers all together. This does not seem to be the case. Coffee is no longer just for Mom and Dad in the mornings. More and more people are enjoying a steaming cup of coffee any time of the day, or even at night. Having a coffee maker in the kitchen allows people to do this in the comfort of their own homes, instead of having to visit a coffee house whenever they want a cup of java.
It is probably safe to say that coffee makers are going to remain a standard appliance for most American households. Coffee gets us going in the morning, and with the advances and changes made to what is really a simple machine, Americans are able to enjoy it more and more any time of the day.
Tip! If you have an old coffee maker and you aren't happy with the taste of it's brew, why not try cleaning it. A clean coffee maker will brew better tasting coffee.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as espresso coffee at http://www.gourmetespressoandcoffee.com
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5:39 AM
Things To Look For In An Automatic Coffee Maker
Coffee is not only a means to keep you awake when you need to sleep. It is a pleasure. It can even be the most important thing for someone. You can get addicted to certain type of coffee. You can even get so addicted, that you drink 10 cups daily! It all depends on the coffee brand that you use. Coffee is too general a term to be used without some precaution. There are different types of coffee, come of which are made in different ways: there is the instant coffee, the coffee from coffee machines, the Turkish coffee and so on. When someone says he doesn't like coffee, this doesn't mean that he is not fond of it in GENRAL: this only means that he doesn't enjoy the type of coffee he is drinking. For getting nice coffee it is extremely important to have a certain procedure of coffee making. Instant coffee, for example, is preferred by a lot of busy people: it is the easiest to make, and it does not requiire any skills apart from boiling some water and sipping the coffee into it. But I can tell you one thing about instant coffee: It SUCKS, as all things that are made quickly. If you don't put some energy and patience into the preparation of your coffee, you haven't tasted anything from it. I really prefer making my own coffee, preparing it with the love I have inside and waiting for it to be ready. That's why I use an automatic coffee maker. It is technological thing, and it does not require huge amount of time.
It is not as hard to make as the Turkish coffee. But there is some concept when using automatic coffee maker: you pour certain quantity of water and sip doses of coffee, then wait a little to boil… These things really make the taste different, believe me, and not only that: by using automatic coffee maker you get better coffee than any brand of instant coffee can give you. If you really respect your good taste, you should give up drinking instant coffee. It is by no means delicious, and it makes you sick. It can even make you hate coffee! When you prepare your morning cup with the help of an automatic coffee maker, you get what you love: a real, fresh, naturally prepared coffee. Just give it a try: start using the automatic coffee maker and see what difference it makes.
Tip! Of course, it is best to use Gevalia coffee maker in brewing Gevalia coffee. This model heats the water to high enough temperature to get the utmost flavor from the coffee beans.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning shopping. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Automatic Coffee Maker
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5:39 AM
Gevalia Coffee Maker for the Perfect Coffee Cup
Gevalia Kaffe is a company which prides itself in producing the finest of European coffee beans and premium tea blends. For over 100 years now, Gevalia has satisfied the selective taste buds of coffee enthusiasts around the world.
They sell customized coffee beans which are packed right after roasting to ensure maximum freshness.
Gevalia now has a wide array of coffee bean varieties and premium tea blends to suit your taste. Along with the coffee and tea products, they also offer a wide array of fun and unique accessories and gift packages for the coffee addict in you. 'Gevalia Coffee Maker'
One of the hottest products that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy from Gevalia is their twelve-cup coffee maker.
This model features a brewing mechanism which will extract the full flavor from the coffee grind. It also comes with a "pause and serve" feature, as well as a round-the-clock programmable timer.
This is especially useful so that you can pre-brew your coffee cup the night before, and you will wake up to the aroma of a freshly-brewed cup.
Some coffee maker owners at home find it such a chore to prepare and clean their coffee brewing machines. With Gevalia's swing-out basket, adding a paper filter is a snap and brewing coffee has never been easier.
Tip! Once the mixture has run completely through, turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Its water chamber can brew up to twelve cups of coffee. Gevalia coffee maker comes in an elegant black or white model, and is available for only $59.95. They also offer a package which includes the coffee maker with a set of four specialized Gevalia coffee mugs for $74.95.
The Gevalia coffee maker is a suitable kitchen appliance that you can buy for your own home, and it also serves as a nice gift set for friends and family who are coffee aficionados.
Tip! If you want to read more about coffee makers, Visit Danny Brown's site at http://www.Full CityCoffee.
'How to Brew your Gevalia Coffee'
Gevalia shares some of their trade secrets on how to brew the perfect cup of coffee. For their famous European recipe, use one scoop of Gevalia Breakfast Blend ground coffee for every six fluid ounces of water. This should be perfect to brew one cup. You can vary the measurements to suit your own taste.
The quality of coffee filter also counts when brewing coffee right in your own home. A good filter should be cone-shaped which is made of high-quality paper. A good paper filter will extract the utmost flavor, giving out the richness of the coffee.
Do not use tap water in brewing Gevalia coffee. Instead, use cold water which is filtered.
Of course, it is best to use Gevalia coffee maker in brewing Gevalia coffee. This model heats the water to high enough temperature to get the utmost flavor from the coffee beans.
Tip! Yes, in the end, many of us like our coffee makers to look cool. Sure, while it's true that they are simply functional machines, we want these machines to represent our love for coffee.
If you will not drink your beverage straight from the coffee machine, store it in an airtight container of carafe. The liquid will lose its flavor if it is left on the coffee maker or a warming plate for more than fifteen minutes.
Finally, a well-maintained and thoroughly cleaned machine is critical in maintaining the quality of coffee that your coffee maker produces.
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Food and Drink. For more information regarding Gevalia Coffee Maker please drop by at http://www.hotcoffeeplus.com/
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5:39 AM
The Best Coffee Maker Will Get You The Best Coffee Experience - Think Again - It's All About Beans
Technology is always getting better and better. We have got computers, airplanes, satellite TV, toasters, microwaves, and the most essential of all home appliances - the coffee maker. If you are a coffee drinker, then you have probably made sure that you get the best coffee maker to fulfill your java requirements.
The thing is, even when people have got the best coffee maker that is available on the market, even when that coffee maker has a digital meter to tell them the temperature, the water level, the coffee weight; even if it has a timer to make the coffee with a precision that goes down to the microsecond level … even after all this, sometimes people don't feel like their best coffee maker is really, honestly, giving them its best efforts. The coffee still does not taste good.
Well, it is really quite simple. Your best coffee maker is just a machine and it is not sold with coffee included. You have to supply the coffee and the best coffee that you are going to taste out of your best coffee maker is not going to be determined by the coffee maker but by you. Good beans, good coffee. Bad coffee beans and even a coffee maker that is a few technological notches above the best coffee maker will leave you dissatisfied.
Ever wonder why hand made coffee tastes good? Because people who care enough about their taste buds to manually make their coffee, are the very kind of people who would travel an extra few blocks to get those specific types of coffee beans that are better than the rest. That is your clue. Good coffee comes from good coffee beans and the means used for preparing it, are a secondary concern. And what about water? Did you know that the colorless liquid that everyone takes for granted plays a vital role in the coffee that is brewed? It is important to check the quality of water. While water is normally tasteless and minor variations go unnoticed, it should be remembered that water combines with coffee beans when it is steamed and then the high temperature can release chemicals in the water that can bring about a reduction in flavor.
Choosing the right coffee beans becomes rather confusing. There are beans that are just not meant for the best coffee maker. These beans are used in coffee makers that are kept in public places or which have to endure a lot more traffic than the average family of four. Dried beans are especially very bad as they leave a bad bitter taste.
So in order to enjoy the best cup of coffee, make sure you are picking up the right kind of coffee beans.
Would you like to learn more about Best Coffee Maker, other coffee products and coffee related items? You can find it all at Magdalena's website: http://www.thecaffeinebuzz.com
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5:37 AM
A Review of the Bunn Coffee Maker
Do you know how many times you have heard the phrase "Do you want cream and sugar?" We all have our own way of drinking caffeinated beverage. Some like it straight-up black with some cream, a lot of sugar or even with whip cream. We certainly take pleasure in having our morning cup of coffee which we take for granted. There is nothing we can do about it because we are used to having it when we need it.
Today you can even buy professional espresso coffee machines for your home. It is really convenient to have these great lattes whenever you want to. In case you are a big coffee drinker, then a cool coffee machine is well worth its weight in gold. What kind of espresso machine you have at the moment? Serious coffee drinkers should consider getting a bunn coffee maker. There is no doubt that you have seen a bunn coffee maker. I have seen them many times in restaurants and cafes. The bunn coffee maker is a professional machine, it is an updated version of the Mr.Coffee you have at home. Give the steel machine a try after settling down with a plastic one for so long. It is a nice thing to have in any kitchen. I remember when I first saw a bun coffee machine at home. My father had bought it as he has always been a serious coffee drinker. He never added anything to his java. It is all about the distinctive coffee flavour in his opinion.
He always wanted his coffee to be as black as possible. No cream, no sugar, only black caffeinated beverage. He loves the smell of the coffee beans; it surely is a great odour. My father once told me how they made their coffee before the bunn coffee maker. They would boil some water and pour in loads of coffee grounds. Just as you might assume, I asked him straight away if they drank the coffee grounds.
Tip! These elegant and simple coffee makers are reminiscent of the boulevards of Paris. They can be small enough for a single cup, or can make several at a time.
He explained me in laughter that when the water was black he would drop a few raw eggs which would more or less collect the coffee grounds. Isn't that quite weird? I am very happy that nowadays we no longer need to do that. We have the contemporary bunn coffee maker. If you want one, just hop online and find the best deal.
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5:37 AM
How To Clean A Coffee Maker
Ever wonder how to clean a coffee maker the right way? Drip coffee makers need to be cleaned at least once a month to keep your coffee tasting good.
Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.
A mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water is the best way to clean a drip coffee maker. Mix a full pot of the vinegar and water mixture, pour it in your water reservoir and turn the coffee maker on.
Once the mixture has run completely through, turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Pour the vinegar and water mixture down the drain. If you are cleaning a coffee maker that hasn't been cleaned regularly, repeat this step again with a fresh vinegar and water mixture.
Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.
To make sure all of the vinegar and water solution is completely gone repeat the rinsing process one more time after letting the pot cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.
Copyright © 2005 Perfect Coffees.com. All Rights Reserved.
This article is supplied by http://www.perfectcoffees.com where you can purchase quality coffee online, tea, cups, mugs, coffee makers, delicious desserts and sugar free desserts online. For a free monthly coffee newsletter with articles like these go to: http://www.perfectcoffees.com/newsletter.html
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5:32 AM
Choosing A Coffee Maker - Tips On Finding The Right Features
Choosing a good coffee maker is not a decision to be taken for granted. If you are going to spend money on your favorite coffee, you will want to make sure the coffee maker you choose is of good quality and has the features you want. The majority of coffee makers are generally quite good and you will notice no difference in the taste of your coffee from one brand to another. There are some basic features to look for when choosing a coffee maker and some luxury features that may give you a better tasting cup of coffee
The first decision you must make in choosing a coffee maker is what type of filter you would prefer. You can choose a basket type filter or a cone shaped filter, the difference in the two being different contact times between the coffee grounds and the water. A basket type filter seems to provide a longer contact time between the water and the coffee grounds, so if a basket filter is your preference, make sure you use coffee grounds that are fairly large. Cone type filters are generally less prone to spillage. If you are considering a gold tone filter, it will give your coffee a richer taste, but the upkeep may not be worth the small difference. The color of your coffee maker is not a major concern, but keep in mind that if you choose a color that is pleasing to you, your coffee will seem to taste better. The only real issue involved in the color of your coffee maker is to remember that white stains easily and tends to look old rapidly. A dark color will look new a lot longer than a white coffee maker. Coffee makers with a pot that has a long neck will be harder to clean. If you cannot easily wash the coffee pot with soap and water, your coffee will taste stale over time due to the build up of residue that cannot be cleaned easily. Make sure your entire hand can fit inside the coffee pot to make cleaning easy.
Other than the basic features, which include color, filter, ease of cleaning, etc., there are some additional features that you may want to consider. If you don't mind your coffee grounds being exposed to air overnight, a timer is a wonderful thing to have. Timers will allow you extra time in the mornings and if you choose a coffee maker with an attached grinder, the noise would probably eliminate your need for an alarm clock. A feature that is often overlooked is the shape of the housing around the coffee pot. Many manufacturers are making the housing larger so that the coffee in the pot stays hotter. The housing area in any good coffee maker should cover at least half of the coffee pot, the keep heat in.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
In general, coffee that is freshly ground tastes better. Grinders that are attached to coffee makers are a bit of a hassle. They make the coffee maker harder to clean and the coffee beans are not always ground uniformly. If you want a coffee maker with an attached grinder, look for a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder. You may also want to look into a coffee maker with a built in water filtration system. Filtered water does tend to make the coffee taste better, but purchasing distilled or purified water can serve the purpose just as well as a built in water filtration system.
For the perfect pot of coffee, the water temperature needs to be around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, the less expensive coffee makers do not reach this temperature. Most of the better brand names will advertise the temperature you can expect your coffee to reach while brewing. Choosing the right coffee maker is not easy. Make sure you purchase from well-known manufacturers. You will be able to find replacement parts and will be assured of an acceptable level of quality. Choose a coffee maker that meets your basic needs and any has additional features you desire.
Tip! Its water chamber can brew up to twelve cups of coffee. Gevalia coffee maker comes in an elegant black or white model, and is available for only $59.
This article has been provided courtesy of Kitchen Junkie. Kitchen Junkie offers great kitchen articles available for reprint and other tools to help you get the best bargain on kitchen appliances and more.
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5:32 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Espresso Makers: Depending on Your Need, There's an Espresso Maker for You
Since Starbucks first went International in the early 1990s, espresso has been the number-one item on the minds of those who need a quick pick-me-up to get their day started. It started out as a fad, but with the onslaught of Friends on NBC in 1994 and Starbucks reproducing like rabbits throughout the last decade of the 20th Century, it has morphed into a worldwide phenomenon.
But what is espresso exactly. To put it in the simplest terms, espresso is coffee's more aggressive and strong willed little brother. Espresso is caffeine's answer to a shot of whisky. Just as addictive in some cases, but will not get you thrown in jail.
Espresso is made by filtering 1.5 to 2 ounces of water through tightly ground, espresso coffee, roughly the caffeine equivalent of four cups of coffee. If everything goes according to plan, what you get is 2 ounces of compressed caffeine with a small layer of foam on the top. The resulting concoction looks like a dark German beer with a head…only a lot smaller.
But how do you make espresso? Is it as easy as Starbucks would have you believe? In a word…yes. So where do you start? Again, the answer is simple…right here. There are five basic types of espresso machines. Let's take a quick look:
Stovetop espresso makers are popular with hikers and tourists because they do not require electricity. But since the stovetop espresso maker is usually the "one-cup" variety, you won't get the creamy foam layer top. What you will get though is a very concentrated shot of espresso.
Steam powered espresso makers work a lot like the stovetop variety but is fashioned more like the standard pump driven espresso makers. Still convenient for tourists and hikers, the steam powered espresso maker is not as popular with this crowd because of its bulky size.
The piston driven espresso maker is the grandfather of all espresso makers and the reason most espresso comes with a foamy top. Invented in 1938 by Achille Gaggia, the piston driven maker is still a good way to make espresso, though not often used. This kind of of espresso maker is sold as an antique as often as it is the caffeine junkie's primary maker.
Pump driven espresso makers are the offshoot of the piston driven variety and the most popular maker in commercial settings. Usually hooked up directly to the building's plumbing, pump driven makers heat the water as it is filtered through the coffee and uses a built in shot timer to help insure every shot of espresso is exactly the same.
Automatic espresso makers are becoming increasingly popular because the machine does almost everything for you. Automatic machines consistently produce the same espresso shot every time and require less fine-tuning than commercial makers. In addition, this expensive but consistent alternative to your daily trek to the corner coffe house does everything from grinding the beans to disposing of the spent grounds. The only thing the user has to do is turn on the machine.
Now that you know how to make espresso, how do you decide what your favorite concoction is? After all Starbucks has more varieties of espresso than Baskin Robbins does ice cream. You do not want to make a fool of yourself when you when you are late for work and don't have time to make your morning wake-me-up at home. Yo need to feel confident and proud when you walk up to the conter and ask for:
ESPRESSO - For those who prefer the simple things in life, a single shot of espresso, no foam, is probably best.
ESRESSO DOPIO – Or a double espresso is for those days when you just cannot wake up.
If you are feeling a need for some balance in your life, try an ESPRESSO MACCHIATO (a single or double shot of espresso with a whipped cream top).
For those sweet and sour days, try an ESPRESSO ROMANO, a single shot of espresso topped with a sliced lemon peel.
For amateur espresso drinkers who prefer a foamier, creamier, more chocolaty taste than a straight shot of espresso, CAPPUCCINO, CAFÉ LATTE and MOCHA CAPPUCCINO is probably the safest bet.
So now that you know everything there is to know about espresso and why there seems to be a Starbucks on every corner of every city in every state in every country in the world, you can decide whether you want to join in on this worldwide phenomenon. But beware...if you decide not to join the crowd on this one, you will likely be left behind. A caffeine-powered work force is what made the world what it is today.
About the author:
Allen Shaw is a successful author who provides information on espresso makers for A1 Coffee Makers. "I am the news director at USA News Network and have been working as freelance writer for 2 years. I've been published in a few magazines, newspapers and websites and my specialty up to this point has been movie and music reviews."
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1:48 PM
The History of Coffee
Who would have thought that a berry that was discovered by a herd of goats would be the single most important ingredient in the world’s most popular drink? Legend has it that back in 850AD, a goat herder noticed his herd was full of energy and eating berries he had never noticed. Since the goats seemed to have such a reaction, the herder decided to give it a try! The berries also gave him a burst of energy and he began to feel very happy. Thus, the beginning of the journey for what is now known as coffee!
Actually, the story of the goat herder isn’t the only legend surrounding this discovery. It is also said that an Arabian man was banished to the deserts with his followers to die of starvation. His men became very desperate for nourishment and before long, they were boiling and eating the product of an unknown tree. The broth that was produced by this unknown substance saved the lives of the men! In the nearest town, Mocha, many took their survival to be a religious sign. Because of the discovery, the drink was then named Mocha.
No matter which story you gravitate to, the bottom line is the same: the berries (actually, the seed of the berry) gave energy and zest to all that would consume it! From it’s earliest beginnings, coffee was thought of as a delicacy and any recipes floating around were considered to be a closely guarded secret!
As time passed, the very first coffee trees were harvested around 1100, in the Arabian Peninsula. The coffee drink became a staple of many early civilizations. In the year 1453, There was a law in Turkey that said that a woman could divorce her husband if he didn’t supply her with a daily supply of coffee!
The very first known coffee shop was established in Constantinople around the year of 1475 and since that initial introduction to the general public, coffee has pretty much taken over the world! Between 1600-1700, there were many advancements, including the world’s first coffee house and the beginnings of commercial production (made by the Dutch). By the middle 1700’s, there were about 2000 coffee shops in Venice, alone!
The first prototype of an espresso machine (made in Italy) was unveiled in the early 1800’s. In the early 1900’s, the first drip coffee machine was invented, making the coffee making process a little less daunting! The automatic espresso maker began its journey in the 1930’s.
By the late 1900’s, coffee became the most popular beverage in the world! The coffee is harvested in many countries, including: Africa, Ethiopia, Brazil, North America, Italy and even Turkey. This kind of crop can also be easily grown and exported by many third world countries, as well. Made to tempt even the pickiest palate, coffee has evolved to include hundreds of flavors and varying grades and prices.
About the author:
C V is an author, providing info on all types of coffee machines, coffee gift baskets, personalized coffee mugs and the best gourmet coffee . Find coffee maker reviews and ratings . http://www.coffee-makers-n-espresso-machines.com
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1:48 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Best Ways To Keep Coffee Hot In A Coffee Maker
Keeping our brew fresh and hot is a big deal for some of us coffee drinkers. There is nothing worse than a tepid mouthful of stale coffee. How you keep your coffee hot depends a little on where you are and what you're doing. What happens to coffee as we keep it warm? Are there things I should never do to keep my coffee warm? Knowing a little more about coffee will help you understand how to keep it hot and tasting great.
This little set of points should help you out in most situations. - Use a thermal cup or mug for commuting or to keep it hot for short periods of time - Glass and stainless steel thermos style bottles barely effect coffee taste at all - French Press brewers (like Bodum) are not good for keeping coffee hot. They continue to brew and can produce very bitter coffee - Try to not use direct heat from an element or hotplate if possible - A sealed or closed container slows the loss of essential aromas that influence coffee flavour. - You get the best flavour from coffee that is kept at least 170F.
Tip! Clinton Maxwell continually creates long articles on themes corresponding to coffee roasting and espresso. His abstracts on coffee makers can be found on http://www.
There are a number of taste related components in a cup of coffee that change or degrade over time. This means that the taste of a cup of coffee will continue to change, for the worse most would say, just because time passes. The best way to manage this problem is to simply brew smaller amounts of coffee more frequently. As we all know, the best cup of coffee is a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
Lynne Birch writes on home decor and home improvement. http://www.my-kitchen-appliance.com has a selection of articles and reviews of kitchen appliances that is growing daily. Updated coffee maker reviews.
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5:32 AM
How to Select a Single Serve Coffee Maker
An increasing number of us nowadays are wondering how to select a single serve coffee maker that will suit us best at home. These kinds of coffeemaker are designed to produce - as you might expect - a single cup of coffee at a time and they are becoming increasingly popular amongst all kinds of coffee drinkers.
In the past we've been a bit limited in our choices of coffee maker - we've often, for example, had to make a whole pot of fresh coffee just to enjoy a single cup but things are different nowadays.
The Advantages
The advantages of single serve coffee stations are primarily found in the fact that they can make just one serving of coffee at a time and that they work real quick as a consequence in comparison to multi serve machines. So, you won't need to waste coffee or won't need to make more coffee than you'll actually drink in one sitting. And, if you choose one of the new single serve pod systems as your final choice here, then you can simply slip a small individual coffee pod into the machine, make your cup of coffee and then throw the pod away. So, there'll minimal cleaning up and maintenance to do as well!
You can even pick and choose the kinds of coffee you want to drink with these kinds of machines as the pods can come in various types, roasts and flavors. Major coffee companies that make coffee for these pods currently include some big names in the sector such as Douwe Egberts, Melitta and Folgers - so you'll get a guarantee of coffee experience and quality at the same time as well.
Two Types
Tip! Its water chamber can brew up to twelve cups of coffee. Gevalia coffee maker comes in an elegant black or white model, and is available for only $59.
There are basically two ways to use a single serve coffee maker. In the first instance you can buy a conventional coffee machine that uses standard ground coffee via a normal filter system but which only brews a single cup of coffee at a time rather than making up a whole big pot. It is worth noting here that some of these machines may sometimes be able to brew up two cups instead of just one which could give you a little more flexibility. In either case the machine here will brew up directly into your cup extremely quickly and efficiently. Some of these kinds of models even come with their own mug when you buy them!
Tip! If you want to read more about coffee makers, Visit Danny Brown's site at http://www.Full CityCoffee.
As single serve machines go this kind of option is reliable but kind of uninspiring if you're looking for something a little different in your coffee drinking. But, if you're still wondering how to select a single serve coffee maker then this may be a good option for you if you simply want an affordable and compact coffee maker for one/two people. Some of these machines are real tiny nowadays and could easily just sit on the end of a desk for real ease of use without taking up too much space.
But, if you want something a little bit more exciting from a single serve coffee maker then you really should also consider something along the lines of one of these new pod systems we've already mentioned. These single serve machines (such as those in the Philips Senseo range, for example) are designed to take a single pod that contains a specific brand, roast or type of coffee at a time.
You unwrap the pod from its packaging, place it in the machine and it brews your coffee up for you into the cup. You can then simply throw the used pod into the trash. Again it's worth noting that some pod systems can be purchased that will make two cups of coffee at a time.
Tip! The automatic drip is probably one of the most popular forms of coffee maker on the market. This type of coffee maker is the kind that allows you to start your coffee and forget about it until it has been brewed.
Variety - The Spice of Life
These machines are so popular now partly because they are so convenient and reliable but also because they allow you to buy different varieties, types and flavors of coffee pods. So, you can pick and choose which kind of coffee you will brew at any given time of day without having to keep a huge stock of different types of coffee in your kitchen cupboards.
This does prevent you from having lots of large unopened bags of coffee going stale in your cupboards because you simply cannot drink them that fast. These pods are also all individually sealed so you won't lose freshness as you may do once you open a bag of standard ground coffee.
One complaint that some pod machine users have is that the pods themselves are not always as cost effective as they may be. As you might expect you may have to pay a premium for convenience here so this kind of pod system may well work out to be more expensive to both buy the initial machine and the pods than if you were just buying a small single serve maker and regular bags of coffee.
Tip! A mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water is the best way to clean a drip coffee maker. Mix a full pot of the vinegar and water mixture, pour it in your water reservoir and turn the coffee maker on.
One key thing to think about as you ponder how to select a single serve coffee maker is compatibility. Some pods can be used in other kinds of standard coffee makers so it's worth while checking on compatibility with your manufacturer. And, some coffee pod systems offer the ability to add a normal filter to the machine so you can use them as a standard single serve machine with your own ground coffee.
Flexibility is vital here as you don't want to buy a coffee maker or a pod system that limits your choices. Some pod systems, for example, will allow you to use other types of pods in the machine as well as those that are made for the particular model. This option is great as you get much more flexibility in terms of coffee drinking choice. However, some systems will only work with their own pods which could see you limited on choice and which could also cost you more in the long run.
Tip! These are the latest innovation in coffee makers, and mean that you can enjoy a cup of coffee-shop coffee whenever you want it. These machines vary tremendously in what they offer.
It doesn't really matter which system you decide suits you best at the end of the day. You may even opt for both choices! One last thing to remember is that you can get great discounts and bargains on standard single serve coffee makers, pod systems and the pods themselves if you shop around. Many pod system users, for example, shop around on the Internet and then bulk buy pods when they find a bargain.
About the Author
Carol Finch enjoys writing about coffee makers, single serve machines, and more at Coffee N' Beans: http://www.coffee-n-beans.com
Posted by
5:32 AM
The Bunn Coffee Maker Won't Leave a Bitter Taste in Your Mouth
There are many different coffee makers available in the marketplace to choose from. One of them is the Bunn Coffee maker. The Bunn Coffee Maker is made by the Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. The Bunn-O-Matic Corporation was founded in 1957 and they are credited with introducing the first paper coffee filter. Over the years the company has evolved and started making commercial beverage equipment and, more recently, home coffee brewers. There are seven different types of Bunn Coffee brewers available which include; My Café Brewer. My Café Brewer brews one cup of coffee at a time. The Bunn coffee makers take pride in brewing coffee at home that matches the standards of the expensive restaurant cups of coffee. They have a stainless steel tank with an advanced spray head, which dissipates the water over the coffee, and a very effective hot water heater. The coffee machines are either black or white with a stainless steel trunk which allows them to blend with any of the home décor styles. The decanter on most of the machines can hold up to ten cups of perfectly brewed coffee. Bunn also makes the BCG Grinder for pre-grinding your coffee beans. The Bunn Advantage claims that Bunn Coffee makers brew coffee that is robust in flavor without the common bitterness encountered with some coffee machines. Bunn Coffee makers do this by using a patented system that keeps the temperature at the ideal brewing temperature of 2000 Fahrenheit. The coffee maker has a fast brew cycle which exposes the water to the ground coffee beans for the perfect length of time for a perfect coffee flavor. The Bunn Coffee maker creates the right amount of turbulence via its spray head to suspend the ground coffee and extract it's flavor uniformly for the perfect cup of coffee.
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
How to Use a Bunn Coffee Maker
Start with a good quality coffee that has been well stored. The coffee maker requires one tablespoon of ground coffee for one brewed cup. Use good clean odorless water preferably water that has been filtered. If you need to keep your coffee for more than 30 minutes store it in a thermal carafe; it can hold its flavor here for up to 60 minutes. Clean your decanter after every use, even the faintest trace of old coffee can taint your fresh pot.
Bunn Coffee maker replacement parts can easily be obtained from vendors and from the manufacturer. Parts for the Bunn coffee maker are easily accessible. On the companies website you can find access to customer service representatives who can answer your questions and help find the replacement part or accessory that you need. Bunn coffee makers are available at many different locations. You can purchase your coffee maker online at the different sites of the coffee makers distributors. There are Bunn coffee makers and replacement parts available on the different auction sites online; this allows you to purchase your coffee maker at a discounted price.
Tip! These are the things that must be taken into consideration when choosing a coffee maker. You might want to consider a percolator, this is an old favorite used by many people.
Eric Comforth is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics. Learn more about coffee makers at Coffee Maker Central
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5:32 AM
A Coffee Lover's Best Friend - The Cuisinart Coffee Maker
Cuisinart Corporation prides themselves in making innovative culinary tools. They were brought into the limelight through world renowned chefs like Julia Childs and James Beard and who used the Cuisinart food processor and hailed it to be the future of cooking. This started a worldwide interest in food processors and Cuisinart was there from the beginning. They make a repertoire of cooking gadgets like Citrus Juicers, cutlery, food processors, Toasters, Waffle makers and the Cuisinart Coffee Makers. Cuisinart collections are available in four basically different styles. There is the brushed stainless steel collection for the sleeker contemporary décor. The Matte Black Metals collection can blend into almost any interior décor style. The Red Collection is reminiscent of the 50s and can be used as the focal point in your Retro décor style. Finally the White and Stainless steel collection is perfect for your Country style kitchen. No matter what your décor style there is a Cuisinart collection to suit your need. The Cuisinart coffee bar collection is an impressive collection of more than 15 different types and styles of coffee makers. They range from four cup to twelve cup Cuisinart coffee brewing machine, cuisinart thermal coffee makers and the popular cuisinart grind and brew thermal coffee maker. The Cuisinart coffee maker has a stylish design making it attractive; it is also very durable and most importantly brews an excellent cup of coffee. With a stainless steel exterior the Cuisinart coffee makers are a welcome addition to any kitchen décor.
Cuisinart's latest product is a twelve cup coffee percolator. This coffee maker is very versatile and mobile allowing it to be moved around the kitchen and plugged into different outlets. The attractive stainless steel percolator has a detachable chord which allows it to be used as a coffee decanter as well. The Coffee Percolator has a no drip sprout with a transparent knob that allows you to monitor the progress of the coffee percolation. The stay-cool bottom of the Cuisinart percolator allows it to stand on any surface without causing any damage. Although the suggested retail price tag of $90 may be more than you are willing to spend, Cuisinart products come with a three year warranty and their quality and reliability justify the price.
Tip! The Gevalia coffee maker is a suitable kitchen appliance that you can buy for your own home, and it also serves as a nice gift set for friends and family who are coffee aficionados.
Cuisinart coffee maker parts are easy to procure. Simple visit the company's website and find the Cuisinart retailer closest to you and contact them to find your replacement parts. Cuisinart Corporation prides itself in producing proven superior quality products and offering superior customer service. On the company website you will find links to retailers that sell their products. They also have an online catalogue that allows you to shop easily.
Cuisinart products can be found in fine and upmarket department stores and specialty stores all over the world. If you are in the market for a Cuisinart Coffee Maker visit the Cuisinart website and find the closest retailer. There are also many different retailers online offering a variety of Cuisinart Coffee Makers. Online auctions sites also have a collection of the Coffee makers at deeply discounted prices.
Eric Comforth is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics. Learn more about coffee
makers at Coffee Maker Central
Posted by
5:31 AM
How To Master Your French Press - Plunger Pot Coffee Maker
The French press produces a very rich, robust coffee. It is the next best brew to an Espresso. Using medium to coarse coffee grounds which when directly infused using slightly cooled boiling water, will create a great blend of aroma and flavor. The French press method is pre-warming the glass beaker with hot water, adding your preferred amount of coffee in the beaker, then adding some slightly cooled boiling water. The plunger cover is then replaced on the beaker. You should then allow the coffee to steep for about four to six minutes. Then you gently press the plunger lid down allowing it to pass through the suspended coffee. This will separate your finished coffee away from the grounds by pressing all the grounds to the bottom of the pot. Advantages | Disadvantages of your French press
Advantages: Using this technique gives the richest body of coffee (excluding Espresso). The stop time is less, application of pressure is slight, water is hotter, and the ratio of water to coffee is greater. Grounds in this process (steeping) are just under the boiling point, which means no extra boiling or burning which will save the dark, delightful flavor and coffee aroma - with no bitterness. Also there is no paper filter to take away some of the coffee oils - which will help save your delicate aroma.
Tip! Other types of coffee makers include manual drip, plunger pots, vacuum, microwave, cappuccino, and espresso coffee makers.
Disadvantages: The cooling down of the coffee before the steeping pressure has finished. If your coffee beans are ground too fine, it will be harder to press down the plunger lid because of the increased surface tension. And if you do not use the medium to coarse grind, you may have sediment at the bottom of our cup.
Bonus | Using the French press as a foamer to make froth.
Heat a cup of milk (using non-fat has best results) on the stove or in the microwave. Do not overheat; just heat it enough that you cannot put your finger into it. Pour the milk into a rinsed plunger pot. Pump the plunger in the pot for a few minutes and the milk will expand to three to four times its volume creating froth for your cappuccino and latte.
Daryl Plaza is the owner of: All About Coffee - a website focused on helping people to understand more about coffee. For tips on coffee machines, coffee gifts and coffee recipes check out All About Coffee Makers.
Posted by
5:31 AM
A Manual Drip Coffee Cone – the Original One Cup Coffee Maker
Manual drip coffee cones have some very tough competition right now. When it comes to making just one cup of coffee, all the attention is now focused on electronic one cup coffee makers.
With the new, high-tech coffee makers, ground coffee is pre-sealed in a K-Cup or pads, and you simply insert one of these into the machine, close the lid and start brewing.
No grinding. No messy filters to get rid of.
It's convenient...there's no doubt about that.
But it's expensive too. The machines are expensive to buy, and so is the coffee. You pay dearly for the privilege of having the coffee ground and packed in those handy little containers. So if you look at the cost of buying the machine, and buying the coffee, you'll end up paying a lot more for every cup.
A manual drip coffee cone makes better coffee at a fraction of the cost...
If you don't have one, your parents probably did.
A manual drip coffee cone is the original one cup coffee maker.
What are they? You've seen them in your local supermarket, or even your nearest dollar store. They are simply a plastic or glass cone, with a small opening at the tip, into which you place a cone-shaped paper filter.
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
Place the cone on a coffee mug or carafe, depending on its size, then add the coffee grinds, heat water in your kettle and pour the hot water over the ground coffee.
The coffee drips through the filter and into your mug or carafe.
And you get a better cup of coffee than with a fancy, electronic one cup coffee maker...
How come?
First, you can buy any kind of coffee you like, either ground or as whole beans. But if you buy a K-Cup or pad machine, you are limited to the coffees they package and offer for sale.
But also, and this is a simple but important tip, when you use a manual drip coffee cone, you can stir the water and coffee grinds as the drip process is taking place. This means all the coffee is thoroughly soaked, and also results in a fuller, richer tasting cup of coffee.
So...if you really want to pay big bucks, both for the machine and the coffee, go out and buy a new one cup coffee making machine.
But if you'd rather spend just five to ten dollars on the "machine", and spend less on the coffee you buy, get yourself a manual drip filter cone.
They take up a lot less counter space too!
Nicholas H. Usborne is one of the sleuths at CoffeeDetective.com He and his colleagues take a commonsense approach to making great coffee, and give you the straight facts on coffee and coffee makers - without the marketing hype. They also write the Fair Trade Coffee News Blog
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5:31 AM
Coffee Maker - Cleaning
Your coffee maker could be killing you. Well it is if your morning cup of coffee is a matter of life and death and you have a filthy coffee maker. When was the last time you cleaned your coffee maker? Washing the pot is important but getting the internal components of a coffee maker clean is a task that shouldn't be skipped. Did you even know that you were supposed to clean it? A clean coffee maker can be the difference between a good cup of coffee and a nasty cup of sludge. A clean coffee maker really makes a big difference in how your coffee tastes. Left over coffee oils can accumulate inside your coffee maker and become rancid. And mineral deposits can form too, especially in areas with hard water. These deposits are called "scale". There are two kinds of scale, lime scale and mineral scale and you don't want either one. Scale can affect the heating unit and the water flow of your coffee maker and reduce it's efficiency. How quickly scale forms depends on the quality of your drinking water. If you use bottled water to make your coffee, scale probably won't form as fast but you still have to worry about accumulated coffee oils. Better to play it safe and clean your coffee maker regularly.
Tip! In the green corner, we have Mr. Coffee - long-recognized as the undisputed champion of home coffee makers.
Cleaning your coffee maker is not a hard task to accomplice. At least once a month pour a mixture of half vinegar and half water into your coffee maker. It goes without saying that white vinegar should be used. Steer clear of the red wine or apple cider vinegar varieties. Run through the full brew process. You're kitchen will probably have a nice salad smell while it's brewing which you may even like. If you're not a salad fan though, just remember that it's a small price to pay for a good cup of coffee.
Repeat the process again using only water this time to rinse it out. Do this one more time if a vinegar smell is still present.
Another easy way to keep the coffee maker clean is to put a glass marble in the water chamber. All the mineral deposits that would usually accumulate inside the coffee maker will instead accumulate on the marble. Every once in a while just remove the marble, wash it and then place it back in the chamber. How much easier could that be?
The best solution would be to clean your coffee maker with vinegar monthly while also using the marble method. Change the marble once a week and you're coffee maker will be in great shape.
Tip! If you will not drink your beverage straight from the coffee machine, store it in an airtight container of carafe. The liquid will lose its flavor if it is left on the coffee maker or a warming plate for more than fifteen minutes.
If you have an old coffee maker and you aren't happy with the taste of it's brew, why not try cleaning it. A clean coffee maker will brew better tasting coffee.
Anthony Tripodi is the webmaster of EndlessCoffeeBreak.com - The Guide To Coffee. For more information about How To Clean A Coffee Maker and other coffee making tips, visit http://www.endlesscoffeebreak.com
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5:31 AM
Coffee Maker Parts — Get to the Basics
Many different types of coffee makers exist—percolators, automatic drip-brew, etc.—but, because of the basic concept of water passing through coffee grounds or beans to create coffee, the coffee maker parts are very similar with each type.
In terms of coffee maker parts, the basic coffee maker consists of a base, called a heat pad, on which sites a glass or ceramic pot. Along the back of the heat pad a sometimes wide rectangular-shaped cylinder for water stock rises to an extended slip with a track underneath to support a filter cup.
This slip typically has an opening with a flap at the top for pouring the water into the cylinder. Most machines, those differing slightly from brand to brand or make to make, are comprised with these five coffee maker parts: heat pad, water-stock cylinder, a slip with open flap and track, a filter cup, and a coffee pot.
Of course, a list of the coffee maker parts wouldn't be complete without mentioning the filter itself. This white pocket of paper-like interwoven fiber is sometimes zigzag-creased and sometimes smooth, but it is always thick and heavy enough to support the weight of coffee grounds. One innovative convenience of the filter is that it is only used once. After use, both soggy filter and coffee grounds are thrown away, so cleaning the filter for reuse is unnecessary. As exemplified by the convenience of the filter, the coffee maker parts in general work together to make that great rich cup of smoldering coffee - the best ever inhaled!
The process of brewing coffee, in the context of the relationship between the coffee maker parts, is a simple and easy process: Cold water is poured through the flap on the top of the slip and stored in the back cylinder until the machine is heated up.
When the water is at the right temperature and the pad at the bottom of the machine is hot, the water in the cylinder is channeled through the slip and down into the coffee grounds within the filter. Coffee then fills the otherwise empty pot below.
These coffee maker parts work like a snap—one, two, three! Only a few parts need to conduct this process efficiently, and when each part is working properly, the process is good-to-go!
Tip! It’s not necessary to get a coffee maker that produces 12 cups of coffee or more. Programmable one cup coffee makers are a type of coffee maker that is becoming more and more popular not only in the workplace, but in homes as well.
Gaggia Coffee Machine and other brand name coffee makers and products are available at our site.
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5:24 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Choosing a Bunn Coffee Maker That’s Right for You
There are several factors to consider when shopping for a Bunn Coffee Maker. By analyzing these, you are able to narrow down your choice to the type which is best suited for you. Decisions made early on will cut down on problems encountered later on.
First, ask yourself where the machine will be permanently placed, how many people will be utilizing it, as well as how much space is available for the machine. Is it for large-volume application or small-volume application? Home models can make 10 cups at one time while standard commercial models can churn out 12. To take the middle ground, choose the small, commercial model known as A10 or A10A which can brew 10 cups.
Second, make your selection from the following types: Regular which makes coffee by the pot and has warmers to keep the liquid hot; Pod which relies on coffee pods to make coffee by the cup (rather than employ coffee grounds); Airpot which allows coffee to remain hot and fresh for longer periods of time and which can be moved from location to location because it lacks a warmer; Thermal which deposits the coffee into thermal carafes or thermal servers; Satellite that makes .5 to 1 gallon of coffee at a fast clip; SoftHeat which makes .5, 1 or 1.5 gallons at a time; ThermoFresh which permits the user to make various types of brew through different coffee recipes; Liquid that relies on liquid coffee concentrate to produce huge volumes of coffee at a time; and Urn that can brew 11.4 to 18.8 gallons per hour (this differs according to the model.) Third, consider the waterline hook-up. A pourover feature requires the operator to funnel water into the top of the machine prior to operation. This feature can be found in regular, airpot and thermal models. The automatic feature allows the coffee maker to be connected to a waterline which lets the hot water reservoir to be automatically filled. With the automatic feature, users can still rely on its fallback pourover feature to fill the machine if a waterline is not available.
Fourth, look at the number of warmers the machine has. This, however, is only available on regular brewers, with options ranging from 1 to 6 warmers.
Fifth, does it have a hot water faucet? Such a feature can be found on regular, airpot and thermal brewers. Pourover machines lack this option. This feature is standard for the bigger brewers such as Satellite and Urn.
Sixth, look for the Digital Brewer Control feature in those coffee making models with DBC in their model name. This means it has touchpad digital technology which offers integrated electronic diagnostics, automatic shut-off, higher brewing volume, faster recovery time, additional hot water from the faucet, and improved temperature control. This type of machine does not have a pourover feature.
Once you've decided which features you want in your Bunn Coffee Maker, you are ready to select which model is best suited to your needs.
Tip! Now we have coffee makers with pods that hold the coffee in self contained packets that make it easier and neater, the materials in coffee pots and carafes have changed, we can adjust the brew, and new kinds of spouts that spread the water more evenly, and temperature controls that maintain a perfect 200 degrees F (93C).
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Food and Drink. For more information regarding Bunn Coffee Maker please drop by at http://www.hotcoffeeplus.com/
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5:37 AM
Automatic Coffee Maker For Your Daily Java Automation
Owing to the hustle bustle of daily life, the amount of free time available keeps decreasing as the free offers keep expiring and the bill amounts keep prospering. This is where automation comes into play. This is why there are so many home appliances being manufactured to allow people more time to do other things.
Americans consume over 4 billion cups of coffee every year. It is a chief beverage. Coffee has some great effects, and coffee drinking experience is great when it is prepared carefully, but who really has the time? And in this hectic atmosphere, along comes the automatic coffee maker.
It would be foolish to search for a modern kitchen that has all the other amenities, that provide home and kitchen automation, yet not find an automatic coffee maker, especially if the house belongs to a java lover. What is interesting is that, an automatic coffee maker is not some technological masterpiece that was invented a few years ago. Believe it or not, they have been around since the nineteenth century. People have been using automatic coffee makers for quite a long time. These coffee makers use the same working principles as modern automatic coffee makers, but using means they are more primitive. Like the drop coffee maker. This gadget uses the methods involve in drip-brew and percolating coffee making processes, and combines them with water, heated with the aid of electricity to make coffee without any further manual action.
One of the earliest automatic coffee makers was developed in the middle of the nineteenth century and it is known as the percolator. The percolator uses force that can be natural, as in gravity, or produced artificially with steam. The water is thus forced to mix up with the coffee beans in order to extract their flavor. Once this has gone on for long enough, the coffee beans are allowed to either settle down or they are removed to keep the coffee flavored water that you are interested in anyway.
Tip! Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.
The vacuum brewer is one more example of an automatic coffee maker. The vacuum brewer has got two chambers, one on top of the other. The bottom one is filled with water and the top one is filled with coffee beans. This contraption is then placed over a heating source like a stove or a heater. The heat causes the water to evaporate and expand, and it rises into the upper chamber as steam. And steam, being hot and all, mixes in with those coffee beans and forces them to release their flavor containing chemicals. This goes on till the bottom chamber is completely free of water, all of it having evaporated to the upper part. Then the heat is turned off. The bottom chamber cools and creates a kind of vacuum that sucks down the coffee flavored water, from the upper part. Voila, coffee is ready!
Modern automatic coffee makers don't deviate too much except that the vacuum is more perfect and temperature can be controlled with digital displays to get it just right.
Tip! There is no end to the concoctions you can come up with using your coffee machine or even just your one cup coffee maker. Besides using different beans, roasts or flavorings, try adding exotic liqueurs to your coffee.
Magdalena Witkowska is a successful Webmaster and publisher of http://www.thecaffeinebuzz.com To find out more about Automatic Coffee Maker, please visit her website.
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5:37 AM
All About Black and Decker Coffee Maker
Drinking coffee has been part of people's morning treat. Some may even want to witness its aroma in the afternoon or evening.
But whenever you want to have it, enough time should be set aside just to prepare a good cup of brewed coffee. But what if a coffee lover does not have ample time to spare just to do the ritual of brewing a coffee?
Well, a new home appliance has now been created which is called coffee maker. This appliance will make a hot brewed coffee automatically for you.
If you are thinking of buying one, you may want to consider a Black and Decker coffee maker.
Black and Decker has already established its name in the market since 1910. They make high-quality products and exert effort to further enhance them.
Thus, their home gadgets receive good reviews from consumers, which built up their credibility and reputation as home appliance manufacturers.
Then, later on (in the 80's) they introduced the Black and Decker coffee maker.
Black and Decker coffee maker is a quality-guaranteed home appliance. It is a heavy-duty gadget made to meet your coffee maker standards (or at times, may even exceed your expection). Any apprehension you have about using coffee maker to brew your coffee such as overheat, breakout or burnout can be alleviated if you opt to use this brand.
One of the great features of Black and Decker coffee maker is its small size making it a portable gadget. This is true for single-cup Black and Decker coffee maker.
A portable coffee maker allows you to easily carry it on your way to your workplace. People that are always on the go such as commuters, professionals or newlyweds, can take advantage of this feature.
With Black and Decker coffee maker, there is also no need for you to buy paper filters because it has permanent and reusable mesh filters.
It also has a sensor (power light) that will tell you when the brewing is done and coffee is ready.
Moreover, brewing coffee with lid on it is possible in this appliance. Additionally, this coffee maker can be used to heat water for tea or chocolate.
Black and Decker coffee maker comes in different sizes such as single-cup, four-cup, four-cup, ten-cup and twelve-cup sizes. There are also different types such as Digital, Programmable, VersaBrew, EuroBrew, Thermal and SmartBrew.
Tip! If you will not drink your beverage straight from the coffee machine, store it in an airtight container of carafe. The liquid will lose its flavor if it is left on the coffee maker or a warming plate for more than fifteen minutes.
If you drink your coffee at the same time everday, then the Digital or Programmable Black and Decker coffee maker is best for you.
If you are too eager to have a cup of coffee even before the brewing is finished, then consider getting the VersaBrew. And SmartBrew is ideal to those who hate a messy kitchen, because you can pour the coffee without any leak.
So to the coffee lovers, who have hectic schedules, give Black and Decker coffee makers a try. It offers different options to enjoy a cup of coffee anytime of the day and the way you would like it to be!
Tip! As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use.
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes on Food and Drink. For more information regarding Black And Decker Coffee please drop by at http://www.hotcoffeeplus.com/
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5:37 AM
Which Coffee Maker? Grinding Out the Answer
When you stop at the convenience store or at a local coffee shop for your morning cup of coffee have you ever wondered how your cup of coffee came about? No, not how it was brewed but how it was that you are able to drink a cup of coffee. Sure, the coffee machine plays an important role in making your perfectly brewed cup of coffee, but just how did that coffee maker first come about, or how did the first person who ever sipped the first cup of coffee discover its magic?
Legend goes back to a lonely sheep herder in Ethiopia who noticed his sheep acting strangely every time they ate certain red berries from a certain bush. One has to wonder why he himself decided to give the berries a try. Well that is of no consequence because since that life altering decision man has been enjoying coffee in many different cultures, different countries and different places. Do you know they even drink coffee on the Space Shuttle? I wonder what kind of coffee machine they have.
The one million dollar question is exactly what makes a good cup of coffee? Does buying one of the best coffee makers lead to a great cup of coffee? Not necessarily.. Start with great coffee beans. You can even roast your own coffee beans with the Home coffee roaster machines. Roasting machines allow coffee drinkers to buy premium coffee beans at discount prices and roast them at home. The coffee drinker is in charge of the roasting level; medium or dark roast. Coffee drinkers also advise against buying pre-ground coffee, pre-grinding diminishes the coffee flavor and aroma. Apparently the best part of the coffee bean is found deep within it therefore pre-ground, once the package is opened loses that rich coffee aroma. Grinding your beans before you start percolating your coffee ensures you get the most out of the bean. Talking about grinding the beans there are also two types of coffee grinders; burr and blade grinders, both serve the purpose equally well, so the type of grinder you have does not affect your cup of coffee. Shopping for coffee makers
There are three different types of coffee makers. There are filter coffee makers that basically drip hot boiling water over the ground coffee beans then filter the coffee over a disposable paper filter. Then there are the espresso/cappuccino coffee makers and finally the combination coffee makers that make both cappuccino and filter coffee. Choose a coffee machine that suits your needs. Take into consideration how much and how often you drink coffee. How much you are willing to spend on seeking the perfect cup of coffee. Remember to look online, you can find many discount coffee makers.
Whether you enjoy your coffee with or without cream or whether you enjoy a robust and flavorful cup of black coffee remember to thank that lowly sheep herder who took a risk and ate the first coffee bean.
Eric Comforth is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics. Learn more about coffee makers at Coffee Maker Central
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5:37 AM
Mr. Coffee Versus Bunn-o-Matic - The Coffee Maker Battle Heats Up
For coffee lovers, there are few things more appealing than being met in the early a.m. hours by a perfectly brewed pot of coffee. That first cup sets the mood for your entire day, doesn't it? If it's brewed up right, you'll feel that extra zing in your step from morning till night. However, if that first cup is too strong or too weak, too hot or not hot enough, you quickly find yourself spiraling into a first-class coffee crisis.
So, how do you avoid a coffee catastrophe? It's simple, buy the best coffee maker on the market made especially for your coffee-drinking needs! Sounds simple enough, right? But, who makes the best coffee maker today? In other words, who is the All-Time Champion of Coffee Makers?
Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you to our title bout of the day where two mighty coffee making titans - Mr. Coffee and Bunn-o-Matic - will meet in the kitchen to crown the undisputed coffee making champion of the world.
Introducing The Coffee Maker Contenders
In the green corner, we have Mr. Coffee - long-recognized as the undisputed champion of home coffee makers. Affordable with many models to choose from, Mr. Coffee currently has over a dozen models on the market retailing from between $24.99 to $89.99. With makers serving up between one and twelve cups, he'll be hard to beat. In fact, Mr. Coffee is in great shape with an amazing array of features and settings, including single serve, speed brew, switch, programmable, and thermal models. In the red corner, we have the Bunn-o-Matic - king of the commercial coffee making market. Found in restaurants and chosen by baristas around the world, Bunn-o-Matic is known for his professional-grade machines. With a limited variety (e.g., currently seven models, with one single serve and 6-10 cup models), judges will need to pay close attention to the details to see what kind of punch the Bunn-o-Matic packs. One thing is for sure: with a starting price of $89.95, Bunn-o-Matic definitely tips the scales as a higher-priced option for home consumers.
For those of you who are new to the clash of the coffee makers, here's what the judges will be looking for during the brew-off:
Cup size
How many cups can your coffee maker cook up (say that five times fast)? Most brands today have single-serve and multiple cup models, with 10-12 cups being the upper limit for most home coffee makers.
If having your coffee pre-made for you when you wake up is important, then a timer is going to be key! Timers allow you to set the time when your coffee maker will start doing its thing and brewing you up your beloved coffee.
If you have unlimited counter space, then this criterion might not matter much to you. But, for those of you for whom counter space is at a premium, deciding upon a model that fits your space as well as your décor might be an important consideration.
Tip! Now we have coffee makers with pods that hold the coffee in self contained packets that make it easier and neater, the materials in coffee pots and carafes have changed, we can adjust the brew, and new kinds of spouts that spread the water more evenly, and temperature controls that maintain a perfect 200 degrees F (93C).
But, to truly separate the two competitors, our judges will also be looking closely at the following four areas:
Ease of Use
This is self-explanatory - at 6 a.m., you want a machine that is easy to use
As you know, coffee makers aren't the most pampered of home appliances. They can get pretty banged up with daily use. Choosing a hardy model is essential.
Ease of Cleaning
Starting with a well-maintained and cleaned pot is one of the best ways to assure yourself of a great cup of coffee day after day.
Yes, in the end, many of us like our coffee makers to look cool. Sure, while it's true that they are simply functional machines, we want these machines to represent our love for coffee.
The fight is on between the top coffee makers in the world. So, who wins the home coffee maker battle? Bunn-o-Matic definitely has significantly higher priced models and less of a home-based selection, but is known for superior performance and durability. Mr. Coffee has a wider range of home models to choose from and most of their machines are significantly less expensive than even the lowest priced Bunn-o-Matic.
Tip! This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.
In the end, it's a personal choice for you to decide. Remember, a great cup of coffee ends up being more than your coffee maker. Quality water, beans, and the proper grind for your machine all make a big difference in whether your coffee maker and first cup of coffee are winners. Good luck!
Jon Butt is the host of The Coffee Guide, an innovative website dedicated to all things coffee. From beans to gourmet, espresso machines to coffee makers, or just great tasting coffee
Posted by
5:37 AM